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Dear members,
With my beautiful dongsaengs.. I'm about to start beautiful (?) boarding life... Even though I've spent more than a year working with them... Now we are going to be together even when sleeping and washing. Good dongsaengs..You guys look nervous at the thought of sensitive me walking in... mm...you don't need to worry... (I'm just a little cold, and just a little clean. :D) Because...I love you guys. :D I'll love you guys a lot even in bed...kekeke.. by am12 Credit:: Naverblog/guysdream + 1takeKK@R-eal host [translations] curse you and your pedoness yoon~ xDD your wrong and pedoish post just made me laugh like mad when i reread it and it made my headache worse T____T *throws old shoes at yoon* hahahaha. i was memorizing history essay while listening to R-eal's Make L.o.v.e omgggg~ i love that songg *O* oh.... and i was also texting with kwang hahahaha. keysiaw la that womannn~ oh.... PEDO STATUS RULES YO! x: yoon oppa hwaiting! better not touch my inseok thou... Good dongsaengs..You guys look nervous at the thought of sensitive me walking in... ^ seriously, that sound SOOO wrong Yoon xDD i was going crazy over that sounded like you were about to rape them hahahahaha. imagine pepul imagineee! okay, let me help you imagine with a short scene :D picture a dark and stormy night first sangil, inseok, changhyun and jinwoong sitting in a room sangil, inseok playing ps2 while changhyun is reading a cookbook and jinwoong on the computer then... the door opens a flash of light came down DUN DUN DUNNNN~ standing at the door is Yoon, with an evil smirk on his face the boys look terrified inseok dropped his controller, his eyes wide opened *inserts ominous music in the background* now i shall stop thinking, before i think any further ahem... anyways, im being a bad girl :D going online although im on hiatus hey. i need to relax yo x:
we admit! :D vampire and superwoman try to stop rice from taking over the world~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: china chinaaaaaaa * in high pitch ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: whoot~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: we can go shopping together in japan~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: oh oh oh! can stop by thailand also ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: buy rice for the victims - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAHAHAA !!!!!! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: but heavy wehh ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: later cannot fly .___. - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: yeahlo ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: bahh. feed the rice chicken wing also~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: hmmmmm ... xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAA !!! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: later they dont listen to what i say - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: the rice fly away themself - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: & there comes a " RICE CHICKEN WING" monster ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHAHA~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: they destroy the earth - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: & eat human ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: put leash luu~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: LAMO! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: LMAO!* ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: siao la~ where got rice eat human de?! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAAHA - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: got ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: human eat rice baru got wehh! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: OH! OH! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: cause human eat rice ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: i knowww! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: now they revenge - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: AHAHAHAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: because they bu shuang ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: people eat them ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHAHAHA! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: yepp xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: but so small the rice - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: omg, our imagination over ord - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: what can they do? xp ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: land one bag of themselves on our heads?! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: NUUUU T________T ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: i dont want to die - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAA !! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: being killed by a rice bag D: - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: hides xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: yeah ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: good thing we can fly ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: later their power finish liaw we go eat them lagi xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA !!! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: oh yea hor - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: 1 chicken wing 3 hour - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: their power finish - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: YAY! they wont take over the world & name the earth RICE WING. - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: AHAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHAHAHA~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then i go feed your chicken wing to marshmallows and bunnies >D ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNN~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: NO NO !! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: bunnies shall take over the world ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: BWAHAHAH~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: i dnt want bunny to take over the world xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: lol~ why not? xp - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: NO - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: bunny so gali xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: yerr~ so cute. where got gali? xp yes, we like being crazy :D hiatus will start... now? xD todayy last day sien la T_____T i didnt really want a sorry for you, considering that i already forgave you yesterday after i posted that entry but still, im happy that you did anyways. i understand that life's been hard on you. so im not going to blame you. as for michelle, after some serious thinking (which made my head hurt) i have decided that i shan't argue with you or even try to talk to you as a matter of fact but still, i wont hate you. anyways, good luck to everyone who has test tomorrow (: hahahahahahaha. superwoman and vampire want to fly to china (: kwang + jane + kwang's special chicken wing = DUN DUN DUN! me and kwang like to key siaw. here's our convo xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: you keysiaw ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: go china la xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: you fly us there - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: with your superwoman power xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: okae! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAHAHAHA - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: i got wings - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: very big one - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: what wings la~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: yes xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: superwoman dont have wing de - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: chicken wing ! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: if got the mutant liaw luuu~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHAHHAA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: chicken xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: yes - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: i give you makan the chicken wing i cook - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: then can fly - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: then if power finish eat again - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: geng - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHAHAHA~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: what if i fly halfway there ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then my power habis lehh? ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then i fall - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAHAHAA - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: wont de - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: 1 chicken wing can tahan for 3 hours - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: hahaha. how many hours nia xp - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: like dat lu - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAHAHAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: go china need more than 3 hours lehhh~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: so eat 10 ! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: have to stop at korean first xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then eat there lagi - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: 3x10 = 30 hours ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: continue fly to china - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: wahh~ geng weh - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: no no ! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: more than one day xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: go japan first xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHA - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: oh yea ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: yeahhh! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: so.. ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: japan one day ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: 3x8 = 24 hours - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then baru fly to china xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: then ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: syok la~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: xD - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: then ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAH~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: whoot~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: olympics fly there lagi ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: free seat man~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: gila eh? i have to carry 50 chicken wing? - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHA - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: ahlo - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: we gila ord - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: stop xD it's impossible - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHAHAH~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: we carry one bag of chicken wing xp - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: not enuf eh xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: one bag ehhh~ so manii weh! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: pfft - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: one bag .. 10? - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: i have to bring.. - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: 60 bag xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: one bag can buy 60 + luuu~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA !! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: chicken wing to china - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: hahahaha~ yeahhh! xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: whoot. geng weh ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then military shoot us down ah - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: shhh! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHA!! ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: unidentified flying people ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: UFP MAN! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: military: EH EH! someone flying in the sky!! us : shit! they found us military : shoot them down! us : keeep on flapping our wings military : BOOOOM! us : AHHH ! NO NO ! military : this are unidentified people , destroy them us : NO NO! eat chicken wing then can fly liao military : impossible. they can talk !!!!! AHH ! *run* us : huh? HAHA - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: i am gila xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHAHA~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: they call us aliens kaliah xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: lmaoooo~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: jane: heck yeah! FEAR USS! >D military: AH AH AH!! THEY'RE COMING AFTER USS~ - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHAHAHAA ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: military: bwahahaha! -is inside tank- us: uh-ohh O____O - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: we fly then chase them - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: xD ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: HAHAHAHAHAH~ ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then we makan our special chocolate ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: then become vampire ★ s o r a _ * one’three ; asongonlyforyou says: MUAHAHAHAHAH! - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: ltr ppl goes like.. gila eh - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: HAHA - *superwomann11. [c=29]" imwaitingforyou.[/c] says: scb - siaoooo - chaaaaaaa - boooooooooooooooooooo ! fly to china~
maybe... probably? i will be nice from now on ^^ 17th May 2008 - the day jane signed the official PINK treaty i am here to express my discontent towards life's dummies you're probably going to say "open your eyes, this is the REAL world" well, shut the fuck up. because my eyes are opened and i AM in the real world ^^ at least i aint a stalker like youuu~ *gasp* xDD well, back to the topic about dummies. yeahh. my extreme displeasure against two people who made me mad. hmm, i think you know who you are (: if you noticed, im being calm and ignoring your ignorance ever wondered whyy? because you're not worth it you're only worth being bashed here because im bored and have nothing interesting i want to do... you're not worth wasting my saliva over you're not worth getting me mad you're not even worth a piece of shit so there you go. to person 1 (a fellow CHMS student), i only have a few things to say 1. i hope you can endure all the pain you've caused yourself when you get to hell dont worry. i'll go visit you ^^ i think i'll be going to hell too. but not as deep as you will 2. you better change that attitude of yours because you dont really have much real friends in class. 3. accept your inferiority and change for the better. it will be less painful when more people think you totally SUCK 4. i demand that you apologize to Reychelle, Loh and Azim because of your ignorance, you have hurt their feeling and killed their precious time. which is worth more than yours ever will 5. i dont want any sorries from you. because i have already forgiven you, im a nice person but still, you totally suck 6. do the script for all i care, it's probably a sucky rip off of another movie you saw. if not, then it's just going to be plain LAME 7. improve your english before you even try to write the script. i'll be sorry for you when people laugh at your broken english ^^ 8. just accept the fact that we're more superior than the likes of you 9. do not try to argue back to me in english, because as everyone knows, you will lose and just embarass yourself badly 10. no plagiarism when you write your script. dont embarass us. 11. please look up the words you dont understand here because i aint translating for you 12. oh, and you get no apology from me because everything here is the truth and you're the one who started everything now, i shall be nice to you like i will be to everyone ^^ ------------------- to person 2 ( a fellow tuition student in finemax) 1. lying isnt good. lies just kill your reputation. dont lie just to get our attention, because we think you're pathetic 2. backstabbing your friend is fun isnt it? especially one you claim as a best friend. no? it isnt? *gasp* im shocked, then why did you do it? ^^ 3. you just changed my view for you. i thought you changed for the better. turns out, you're still the same. 4. i WAS slowly accepting you as a best friend. around 85% already. i stay at that hot place just to accompany you until i couldnt stand it. and now that you've annoyed the fucking hell out of me, it goes down to 50% only. 5. you have no rights to get mad at me. what did you do? talk behind my back about me with the guys? which i just said i didnt want to see your face. now, i was being MORE than fair, sweetie. 6. banging the table like that is just dumb. you looked retarded ^^ 7. i aint scared of the likes of you. do you know who i am? 8. you cannot and WILL NOT do anything bad to chialing. it isnt her fault, it is yours 9. touch her and face the wrath of the chms table and feel my fist in your face 10. you're dumb. considering that you talked behind my back when you knew someone who always sides me is near you 11. you shouldnt have asked me to sit anywhere else when i went back because, one, you were sitting at MY seat, two, you just raised my suspicion. 12. if you wanted to invite chiewniing to go with you downstair and then try convincing her that you were not backstabbing me and wanted to make her make me think so, you should have invited her down earlier instead of standing there thinking about it and inviting her down when you saw us talking to her 13. you keep saying im not smart right? ^^ well, say it all you want because i know you're just jealous. if i were stupid, why did you ask me to teach you simple maths? Mister Woo's salary is $2000. if it was increased by 15%, what is his new salary? puh-lease! that's SOOO easy yet you cant do it yourself i got 98 for my geography. and you only got 60+ yet you're so proud am i still stupid? i got 100 for my commerce, how much did you get? huh? =____= ---------------------- like aik said, i shall ignore your ignorance aik was right, you two are just a waste of time i shall keep my cool instead of bashing you until you cry lol, see, im such a nice person ^^ ----------------------- oh yeah, and about the treaty i signed today :D it's called the official pink treaty lol. under that treaty, Jane (I) shall be a nice, optimistic, pleasant and non-violent person. so far, i have not broken the treaty yet if you dont count this post xDD yeahh. i signed it. lol. kahchoing as the reminder, loh as official announcer, jiayih as witness, and the other boys as offenders xD hahahahaha~ so yeah, the guys are taking advantage of this treaty to annoy me and im glad to say i didnt punch, shout or pinch any of them xD lalalala~ and why pink? because i wrote the whole treaty with a pink pen with pink ink x: yes, jane shall keep her promise ^^ anyways, i love my super womannn~ ps: i shall add the links you guys gave me right now sorry for being late xD
then when bong take out his orange juice concentrate hahaha. everyone took from him =P good thing i had paper cups! :D yay for mee~ i made two. one for me and one for vk since he wanted one too xD then those boys keysiaw la. they put in their bottle hahaha. gila xD lalalala~ then teacher siva came and we went like O____O lol. he just pass by la. scared us hahahahaha~ art period was next when teacher came i was seating in his seat teacher: oO jane: im sitting here :D teacher: where do i sit? jane: my seat ^^ teacher: xDD lol. so i let him sit. see, im so nice then i went to reychelle's place and i saw her bracelet that she made and went like "oooo~ *O*" she made it by referring to that bracelet book she borrowed :D hahaha. then i took boonkeat's strings and yarns (which was soooo conveniently there. btw i asked him for it D:) then plaited them xD there we were, azim, jane and reychelle, plaiting strings? xD deana, shienchung, shoucong, bong and the other guys joined in later see. im awesome 8D followww meee~ xD after that was... DUN DUN DUNNN~ history *gasp!* lol. we were seated perfectly. nothing was out of place hahahaha. when teacher came in, he asked us about the drink thing that happened earlier we told him about english class (and avoided having a quiz xDD) lol. then we talked about random stuff :D teacher say he's gonna take our class on a picnic after tests so we can cook~ whoot~ xD oh yeah. teacher siva's version of sunday splash teacher: come to my house on sunday, i'll take a bucket of water and splash you HAHAHAHA~ i can imagine that us queing up to get splashed and going home after 5 minutes. lmaooo~ but then he confiscated soonai's animal keychains because he was playing with them xD the frog and the monkey which made noises. hahaha teacher said he would give them back if boonkeat, joel and soonai cry REAL tears. lol that'll be hard. or we could tell him a joke which made him laugh. or just make him laugh xD i was like "sieshingg~ do your evil laugh!" and the others went "yeah! DO IT NOWW!" hahaha. after much pleading. sieshing went out -sieshing goes out to front- -he takes two steps back then laughs his evil laugh- by the the whole class was laughing like mad even teacher siva, he kept covering his face xD note: jane is laughing right now while typing this. freak D: LOL! crap. that was funny xDD tuition fun la xD Khew become my mummy liaw~ then teo is daddy lol. i officially declare war against Yapepe D: im so nice to him, whereas he treats me as nothing T_______T but he's so nice to kwang D: i dont like it when people dont appreciate my niceness meaniee~ today. o8.o5.o8 civics period, went to lecture hall councilor teaching civics now, lol had fun there. end of story computer; was using internet. youtube and crunchyroll was blocked curse you school internet! D: boys were playing counterstrike as usual. end of story recess; saw khew mummy when i went out of the canteen. offered him a lollipop when to the computer room (guys still playing cs) and surfed the internet carolyn still dont come. so no science classes D: chinese and geo got moved up chinese we went to the library x: but then they call us go back again i just got down the stair when bong came running back shouting go back to the library~ good thing i didnt go back to class that fast xD vk is a perv. why? him and the boys were looking at a comic and laughing (yes, in the library) D: then sengngie showed me when she got a hold of the book it was a guy and a girl taking a bath. wtf?!?! perverts! ahh. nothing much to say now. lol 12.35, fangxue. normally we can go home by this time but there was afternoon class D: so i had to go get my lunch x__x bong couldnt help me buy because he had a cold D: NOOOO~ so i go with chialing when i went to look for chialing at her class, i saw khew mummy before i could shout "jia he mummyyyy~" he was like "nuu errr~ (daughter in chinese)" hahaha which, to be precise, scared the crap outa me xD he went to me and went like "where's my lollipop~? xD" me: you already ate it just nowww~ D: he pinched my cheeks xD which, also scared me. lol ARGGG! english class T_____________________________________T went to the activity room, teacher not there spent a good 10 minutes waiting for him went back to class while the others went to the office to look for teacher and complain to the discipline master (psh. always finding trouble) saw khew mummy in class and greeted him he went like nu er again xD when he was scolding someone. lollll~ jiayih: O____O i think my ears have something in it reychelle: nope, you heard right. she called him mummy jane: xDD jiayih: O_____________O haha. explanation: khew is sorta like a bad boy type? xD and i called him mummy and he admits it. end of story =P got to class, found out that door was locked aishhh. joel came back with key we all went in sieshing came running back asking us to go to the activity room... AGAIN i dragged myself there lazily. ishh! =____= teacher showed us the video he took yesterday. you know. the cooking thing hahahahaha and when it came out MY group he was like :this group had the BEST performance we were like O_____O then laughing lol. i hid under the tablee? =P and kahchoing kept trying to make me smell his socks. EWWW. freak D: so yeah. showed the video and stuff and we left xD btw, steven got hurt D: NOOO~ poor steven koko~ T____T because of lonejie they all lo! he wanted to go to the toilet but they dont let him and ended up dragging him and stuff and they accidentally squished his finger D: i was like "are you alright?? DDD:" when i saw the bandage on his fingers when he came back him: you think? =___= T_________________________________T hope your finger gets better soon and you'll be able to train for badminton again. done for today. phew xD
apparently... SOMEONE says i chi da bian for not updating and i am here to prove that i dont! hahahahaha~ kwang11.: NO UPDATE LAGI !! chi da bian la you. ^ hahahaha. you lame ass stalker =P and yes, i never fail to read your blog. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! two day update since yesterday was... interesting? xD yesterday was fun kaliahh =D o6.o5.o8 Tuesday first period and second period chinese, we went to the lecture hall to watch hu yiao long men's movie =P hahahaha. members are; shoucong sienchung phengchin joel kahchoing linyong HAHAHAHA~ laugh until my stomach hurt man =P shoucong had to draw mustache~ and and and. wahsaiii~ last time people house got electic de hor? siao la. got air cond lagi. hahahaha~ sui ehhh~ =P the starting already very geng la shoucong shuffle ehhh! syok! syok! syok! noob la~ =P hahaha. then linyong was so funny crap. his part made me laugh like crazy lingyong: -wearing old chinese emperor clothes?- -throws the cards on the floor- lingyong: bring me -insert name here (crap, i forgot the name D:)-!! kahchoing(guard): yes. -prisoner comes in all tied up- linyong: -sleeping- phengchin(guard): sir, wake up. -whispers- lingyong: -wakes up and puts on hat- phengchin: sir, your hat is terbalik lingyong: -turns his hat to the front- ^ xDDD lingyong: hmm... wait for your death -throws cards again and one of the cards hit shoucong's head- by this time, jane and her friends were laughing like crazy along with the 3 classes there crap. it was funny hahahaha. then we play games lagi lo... teacher called me to go for A class. crap man, my chinese is bad x___x hahaha. but then, the word was easy. i got up with michelle then shoucong told me that the word change. A class representative: OMFG! < well, i said that xD B & C : O_____O *dies* joel laughed evilly. hahaha. so funny michelle read the word on the screen for me jane: OMFG! I KNOW WHAT THE WORD FUCKING MEANS! BWAHAHAHA~ michelle: oO what? jane: it means telling someone to do something bad michelle and jane: *thinks of a good sentence with that word* we fought for the mic xD so we can go down faster =P i got it. hahahaha. i answer correctly lehhh~ and i got candy! :D im awesome like that ;D last period; english; doing scripts i made sieshing do an evil laugh HAHAHAH~ crap man. it's so funny xD kwang and joel heard also la. because i called him to do for them too kwang: laughed like crazy, face all red joel: also laughed like crazy, falled off his chair and after english we went home xD hahaha. when i go out to the corridor, i was waiting for kwang to come out of the class then sieshing saw me and went like : we meet again! -laughs evilly- fuck. that was funny xD i was laughing like mad there while people went like O___O night; tuition; memorizing science teacher didnt come apparently, she had a terrible headache T___T poor teacher D: she gave us instructions through the history teacher memorizing the papers and asking, seemed pretty easy er yu(the lead teacher or something like that) say all of us cannot talk *sigh* when she came in she caught lonejie talking :D and she sent him to form 1. HAHAHAHAHAH~ so funny wehh. lol. but then. er yu come out and i went like crap D: she put a paper on the board. write down your names when you're ready to ask. NOOO~ but then. shannon asked me 2 pages in a go xD whoot~ no kena ask by er yu~ xDD when i reached the 3rd page. CURSE YOU KWANG AND SHANNON D: kwang: partner stealer shannon: partner abandoner hahaha. you guys suck kept disturbing gerald when he and wenru was asking xD hahaha. i kept kicking him =P poor. khew xD he had to read outside. hahahaha~ khew very keliann la~ then er yu come in "jane, your turn" jane in head : NOOOOOOOOO~ D: *glares at kwang and shannon* i went out. er yu asked me one question. frederick come out to ask also xD but then. he was in page 3 too. so eryu ask us to ask each other WHOOOT! THANK YOU FREDERICKK~ *O* we cheat. hahaha. only the reactions thing because i didnt know i had to memorize that D: no one told me. BOOHOO T___________T today; had a presentation for 1st period so i brought the waffle maker :D hahahahaha. so heavy lehhh! kwang forgot her toothpicks so i had to go with her to canteen to get them but kwang no use la. dont dare ask xD we wait for chialing who got the toothpicks for kwang x: english; home science lab; cooking we had to cook. lol first few groups all made juice D: hahaha. soonai's group sart le bring so many donut and chocolate xD vk ate like... 5 D: soonai group: people were waiting to eat *O* i didnt eat. lol. lazy la. gave mine to vk xD loh's group: no one paying attention because everyone was eating our group: alot of people were crowding around the table because they wanted to see me make waffles :D when finish making liaw. we cut into small piece la. with nutella chocolate. mhmm~ so nice xD i ate one small piece nia D: people eat habis. hmpt! i saved some for khew, ling and teo since i promised them xD siapa tahu, khew sendiri come to the home science lab to look for waffles xD brought back for teo and chialingg~ gave to teo and he was like : -bites- mhmmm~ -shows off to people- hahaha. kns la teo =P -will continue later- |
![]() Believe in the power of Karma. Whatever you do shall be repaid, be it good or bad. Oh, and this is my blog, so I obviously don’t give a damn about what you think. Web Counter since 6th July 2008 ♣ jane, sora, wasabii or milk ♣ 12.o1 ♣ likes to photoshop ♣ studying in CHMS ♣ obsessed with touching hair ♣ loves chocolate way too much ♣ listens to korean music ♣ is random, weird and crazy ♣ is nice but mean in some ways ♣ does not like to be teased ♣ likes reading fanfics & manga ♣ a lousy writer ♣ i hate DOTA with passion
IWants ♠ a happy life ♠ his love and undivided attention ♠ improve my drawing ♠ more plushies (i bet this will never be crossed off) ♠ study hard ♠ more drawing tools ♠ stable emotions ♠ cuff earrings ♠ second piercing (left) ♠ more clothes ♠ learn hacking ♠ DIE SWINE FLU!!! PERISH! ♠ find cappu ♠ ♠ get "dark lord"