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i promised kwang that i would dedicate a super sweet and cheesy post to her xp but then, i decided that i'll drop it it's just a post nothing special i'll aim for the specialer! < is this a real word? xD so yeahh, something more special than you think imma sing for you, you kwang arse xp sing for kwang arse and the other people i love imma embarrass myself when i post my song for lynn anyways so why not double the embarrassment? lol so yeahh, check back soon and you'll hear my awful singing x: anyways, yesterday was a day to remember actually... on the 26th of June 2007, a person very dear to us left us forever. freddie, how are you doing up there? it's been a year since we last saw you. we truly miss you alot. although you're not here with us in person, you'll always be in our hearts. we love you fred! sorry to azim because i didnt attend your birthday party i had tuition and mom wont let me skip. i hope you had a great birthday. yesterday, tuition was kinda fun. we have new teachers! o: and the teacher that will be teaching us science is a guy damn that chialing, she kept spazzing xD michelle sent me a message about freddie's 1st anni which almost caused me to burst out crying in front of so many people. damn you michelle! so yeahh, new teacher. a guy. the old science teacher was so evilll! o: she said "only give them break if they behave" uwuahhh~ no chances of us having break already. lol that time still early, only me, chialing and khew there xp ya, chms student very guai one. always come early lol. geo teacher came and i help her staple paper on the table there near the door (where the guy teacher was standing) chialing come la... and she was like... omg! omg! "what you doing here?" teacher ask chialing "see him laa~" chialing said. and i got a paper cut. OUCHH~ "see alvin?" teacher joked. "ISHHH~" chialing stormed off and left us two laughing xDD yesterday teacher give us cheese cake! wahh laoshii so geng man xp the cheesecake tasted so nice but she say very dry. hahaha. kanasaii la teacher xp teacher is good at backing! 8D puahahahaha. i had 4 of her lovely cheesecake. yes, i got the most because teacher loves me best x3 lol. kidding kidding xp me and shan sit outside. hahahah. talk to science teacher 8D it was fun. me: im stalking you teacher teacher: yeah you are~ shan: she call you everyday ahh~ teacher: she doesnt even have my number me: hahahahaha~ -some form 3 people come out and ask teacher- i texted teacher "hello teacher! im your stalker!" me: teacher, your phone is ringing -teacher's phone starts to ring- lol. teacher glared at me xD shan also message her la xp when the form 3 people left, teacher saved our number and when she got to mine she ask me if i have a cousin in australia i ask her which one, she say my cousin name. omg! syokk! xD helped geo teacher carry her heavy file down to her car. lol~ fang xue liaw, i was like "bye bye teachers!" to the science teacher and the form 1 teacher and actually to the geo teacher (who was teaching us yesterday) too but she was inside D: so i went like "bye bye zhen lao shii!" hahaha. she turned around and glared at me xD science tch: what about me? me: i dont know your name o: you didnt want to tell me science tch: im teacher lim! me: bye bye teacher lim! i'll send you a birthday message tomorrow! science tch: at 12am la! me: can cannn! teachers laughed and i went out xDD at 12am sharp i sent a message to both her phone, puahahaha syok lehh? 12am SHARP lagi x3 i bet im the first to greet her today! hahahahaha she replied me 17 minutes later xp and i asked her to look at the time i sent the message and she also say i very syok because right on time xD lol kwang kwanng~ xp i'll sing a chinese song for you asses xp
so say bye bye to me! 8D yesterday i made a new account and added some people already. today, i think i finished adding everyone i want it was hard, because people kept signing in and out i didnt add EVERYBODY in my old list if i did, then there's no point in making this new account already lu... right? i didnt add you? feel like kicking my butt now? you wanna know why? reasons for not adding some people;; - might have missed (feel free to leave a tag here if so ^^) - we dont chat much anymore (yeahh... who wants to talk to people you dont talk to anymore?) - you treat me as a second option, crap, nothing. (who wants to chat with people like that?) now do you still want to kick my butt? ^^ people i've missed can do that xD you think that i should add you? feel free to approach me here and ask what you did wrong. im sure i can give you a reason (this does not apply to people i missed because i will add you ^^) if im able to do it, then feel ashamed. if im not, i'll apologize to you and give you a lollipop. i have a good reason to not add you. it's probably because im nothing to you, if so then fuck off. so the people who i added here are the people i believe will be talking to me, classmates, forumers from lovefti and r-ealhost, and people i need to contact or people i just feel like adding. i will not leave my new email address here. try to get it from me ( i doubt anyone will) people whom i've added, please do not give it out or i'll kick your butt =___= if someone asks for it, please ask me first before you give it out. ps to kwang: i'll write your dedication post when my head stops hurting xD
the lyrics for at least i still have you xD was listening to it when jm ddal suddenly talked about it o: dont copy this WHOLE thing jm xD Kyuhyun: 我怕來不及 我要抱著你 Wo pa lai bu ji Wo yao bao zhe ni 直到感覺你的皺紋 Zhi dao gan jue ni de zhou wen 有了歲月的痕跡 you le sui yue de hen ji Zhoumi: 直到肯定你是真的 Zhi dao ken ding ni shi zhen de 直到失去力氣 Zhi dao shi qu li qi 為了你 我願意 Wei le ni Wo yuan yi Donghae: 動也不能動 也要看著你 Dong ye bu neng dong Ye yao kan zhe ni 直到感覺你的髮線 Zhi dao gan jue ni de fa xian 有了白雪的痕跡 You le bai xue de hen ji Ryeowook: 直到視線變得模糊 Zhi dao shi xian bian de mo hu 直到不能呼吸 Zhi dao bu neng hu xi 讓我們 形影不離 Rang wo men Xing ying bu li Chorus: All: 如果 全世界我也可以放棄 Ru guo Quan shi jie wo ye ke yi fang qi 至少還有你 Zhi shao hai you ni 值得我去珍惜 Zhi deo wo qu zhen xi 而你在這裡 Er ni zai zhe li 就是生命的奇蹟 Jiu shi sheng ming de qi ji 也許 全世界我也可以忘記 Ye xu Quan shi jie wo ye ke yi wang ji 就是不願意 Jiu shi bu yuan yi 失去你的消息 Shi qu ni de xiao xi 你掌心的痣 Ni zhang xin de zhi 我總記得在那裡 Wo zong ji de zai na li Siwon: 我怕來不及 Wo pa lai bu ji 我要抱著你 Wo yao bao zhe ni 直到感覺你的髮線 Zhi dao gan jue ni de fa xian 有了白雪的痕跡 You le bai xue de hen ji Hangeng: 直到視線變得模糊 Zhi dao shi xian bian de mo hu 直到不能呼吸 Zhi dao bu neng hu xi 讓我們 形影不離 Rang wo men Xing ying bu li Ryeowook: 如果 全世界我也可以放棄 Ru guo Quan shi jie wo ye ke yi fang qi 至少還有你 Zhi shao hai you ni 值得我去珍惜 Zhi deo wo qu zhen xi 而你在這裡 Er ni zai zhe li 就是生命的奇蹟 Jiu shi sheng ming de qi ji Zhoumi: 也許 全世界我也可以忘記 Ye xu Quan shi jie wo ye ke yi wang ji 就是不願意 Jiu shi bu yuan yi 失去你的消息 Shi qu ni de xiao xi 你掌心的痣 Ni zhang xin de zhi 我總記得在那裡 Wo zong ji de zai na li Henry: 我們好不容易 Wo men hao bu rong yi 我們身不由己 Wo men shen bu you ji 我怕時間太快 Wo pa shi jian tai kuai 不夠將你看仔細 Bu gou jiang ni kan zi xi Kyuhyun: 我怕時間太慢 Wo pa shi jian tai man 日夜擔心失去你 Ri ye dan xin shi qu ni 恨不得一夜之間白頭 Hen bu de yi ye zhi jian bai tou 永不分離 Yong bu fen li All: 如果 全世界我也可以放棄 Ru guo Quan shi jie wo ye ke yi fang qi 至少還有你 Zhi shao hai you ni 值得我去珍惜 Zhi deo wo qu zhen xi 而你在這裡 Er ni zai zhe li 就是生命的奇蹟 Jiu shi sheng ming de qi ji 也許 全世界我也可以忘記 Ye xu Quan shi jie wo ye ke yi wang ji 就是不願意 Jiu shi bu yuan yi 失去你的消息 Shi qu ni de xiao xi 你掌心的痣 Ni zhang xin de zhi 我總記得在那裡 Wo zong ji de zai na li Eng. Translations 1st verse: I'm afraid there's not enough time, I want to hold you Until your wrinkles have traces of the years Until I'm sure you're real, until I lose my strength For you, I'm willing Even if I can't move, I want to look at you Until your hair has traces of white snow Until my vision becomes blurred, until I can't breathe Let us be as inseparable as body and shadow Chorus: Supposing I could let go of the whole world At least I still have you, deserving me to cherish you And having you here is a miracle of life Perhaps I could forget the whole world I'm just not willing to lose your news The mole in your palm, I always remember it's there 2nd verse: I'm afraid there's not enough time, I want to hold you Until your hair has traces of white snow Until my vision becomes blurred, until I can't breathe Let us be as inseparable as body and shadow (chorus) Bridge: It's not easy for us, our bodies are not free I'm afraid time is too fast, I can't see you clearly I'm afraid time is too slow, I worry day and night that I'll lose you Wishing that we'll grow old in one night, and never be apart (chorus) credits: JaPaNxxGiRl @ youtube.com ------ this is the perfect song (: thank you to the people who cheer me up and went ups and downs with me there's was a long list, now the list became short for tonight;; the crazy girls i chatted with...stillchatting xD (jm, emma, liza, yien), sentyee koko, thomas daddy (:
flame me all you want xDD im busehhh~ yeahrightiamxp i went to OGDC again today for traffic competition thingy training (: as usual went to class first hahahaha. i brought Nitendo DS this time im brilliant bought a new phone, by the way. W660i, the only "PERFECT" model for me xD yeahh. im picky with stuff, sue me why dont you? oh yeah, went to OGDC today in the bus, we play games for a while, listen to music, talked, played card games after a freaking long trip to Seria, we finally got there! o: this time no ideal liaw T____T NOO FOOOOOD FOR US T____________T we went straight to the training course got the bicycles again evil us, we love claiming xDD WUAHAHAHAH! im the 4th person to finish all the destinations and the first person with a vehicle to finish~ whoot~ but then got some malay girls wasaii. they even got first aid people kyong la, so lauya kan? we ride so much faster than them, also didnt get hurt la i even stand up on the pedals talk about awesome xD so yeahh, when they all finish liaw walked around taking pictures o: it was fun xD we went to the exhibition todayyy~ so fun ehh! they even had the earthquake thingy grr. darn you michelle D: she started off with small shake the medium then when she said she'll stop already, she go press large and the house shaked like crazy but then, it was fun xD when i got out, i couldnt walk properly o: PUAHAHAHAHA~ michelle got what she deserved xD she got owned by teacher anthony and went to touch the electric thingy and she got shocked xDD (note, she didnt die o: the machine was suppose to do that) by the way, only 5 people went in. because the others are cheap asses who stayed outside (PLAYING WITH MY DS T____T) lonejie killed the battery D: it was fun inside =D when went outside and to the bus some people were missing o: so me and michelle had to go look for them (because kwang was one of the missing people too) we guessed that they were in ideal, so we went there actually, ran there xD and they were there o: went to the bus, on the way there there was this cute guy standing outside the information department xD i was like "OHMYGADDD~" in my head xD went to bus, and to the food court! o: bought ABC, it was so cold and sweet *O* iloveitt~ ate seria kueytiaw in the bus hahaha. my bag is a good table o: played around and bullied boonkeat xD this post will end here 8D i'll show you my poster when im done currently listening to;; suju M - zhe yi miao currently doing;; psing singyee's banner and making a poster xD |
![]() Believe in the power of Karma. Whatever you do shall be repaid, be it good or bad. Oh, and this is my blog, so I obviously don’t give a damn about what you think. Web Counter since 6th July 2008 ♣ jane, sora, wasabii or milk ♣ 12.o1 ♣ likes to photoshop ♣ studying in CHMS ♣ obsessed with touching hair ♣ loves chocolate way too much ♣ listens to korean music ♣ is random, weird and crazy ♣ is nice but mean in some ways ♣ does not like to be teased ♣ likes reading fanfics & manga ♣ a lousy writer ♣ i hate DOTA with passion
IWants ♠ a happy life ♠ his love and undivided attention ♠ improve my drawing ♠ more plushies (i bet this will never be crossed off) ♠ study hard ♠ more drawing tools ♠ stable emotions ♠ cuff earrings ♠ second piercing (left) ♠ more clothes ♠ learn hacking ♠ DIE SWINE FLU!!! PERISH! ♠ find cappu ♠ ♠ get "dark lord"