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and saw something that made me go hyper MUAHAHAHAH! for once, minhwan is in the middle of her blog header! yay! minhwan deserves the attention >D -kicks jaejin away- today, there was a bird that flew into tuition -.- omg. scary kaliahh. anytime can poop on my head if it flies past me xD stood there looking at it for like, how long. hahaha and when i open the door, i saw it flying around outside lagi -.- ehla. that person standing infront of me that time so hiao kaliahh. xD i read loh's Beobong! be jealous ;D hahahahaha~
so i wont argue with you liaw. chia hoe sucks -.- keep keking me with that, say what want to be a good person. poo poo la. be a good person lo. not that hard la. and lol, i laughed at meghan neechan's comment about being 4 year old kids. let you play la ;D i dont want to play with you liaw lu~ later chia hoe say i lose, have to walk around with a "wo shi shen" paper for one whole day. and you want to embarrass me infront of everyone? go ahead. ;D i embarrass myself so much so i dont really care already. plus, i laugh at myself. and you said i talk back behind your back? you tell me what i say about you, hmm? so you fight with me, just because you THINK i say something bad about you? my poor friend, you have no idea. one sided stories are always like that. you'll end up regretting that you didnt ask for the whole truth. you wanna know what i said about you, hmm? let me think... for recently one, before we fight (the only possible reason for you to get mad [from my point of view]) what told jia yih was; nabeh la. 30 minutes liaw. still not nothing from them waste our period nia, roman angry liaw lo. call them film now, they dont want. just waste time. kamlan la, you see. later cannot finish la. im tired of screaming at them. they want to do what they want, let them do lo. i did my part liaw let them embarrass themselves. ^ yes, that is what i recall. but then, that's not DIRECTLY at you. i have no idea what YOU heard from your so called spies. but then, your choice to believe or not. not anything i can do. you want to fight with me, your choice la. just dont regret what you do. and lol, im not saying you'll regret, im just saying dont. oh, i also have spies around you ;D and pfft. you're going around telling people that we're not in good terms. thank you so much for spending so much effort and time on me. ^-^ and chia ling? you can keep her. one less burden for me. now you can go settle all her problems and comfort her ;D enjoy it. i dont want it back. xp ------------------------ to f2a people ;; do not be discouraged (: it was last minute rush, so it couldnt be perfect right? since it's over, stop blaming each other already. what has happened already happened, there's no way to change that. im pretty sure we'll get a second chance ^-^ hopefully, you guys will work together the next time and we will have enough time to prepared. lol. signed;; jane the awesome hypocrite ;D
ahh wells, was viewing blogs ~ and guess what? someone admitted for what i've hahahaha. i alang admit one la. not like you lo, always wont admit and get other people into trouble ^-^ and you also very li hai la, still reply me oh. yeah bah. gong bah. i told you liaw. if want to be stupid, i will be and i feel like being stupid to a stupid person ;D you sure you're not? ah, whose the one who goes like.. i wanna print out the lyrics and blah blah blah huh? did i say my temper is nice & good? no right? LOL. you sure you're not xiaoqi? maybe you never knew and noticed :) OH OH! did you? since whn i hurt your feelings? wahh, say till like that ah! as what you said, she's nice to me. so what can i say about her? ;) tell me. oh sorry, i borrowed the PSP first if you never knew. dont blv? ask the owner, dummy. you had little time to play with it? isnt it because you were standing outside the corridor and playing with it till it kana confiscated by mr.wu? ahh poor you! heh. hahaha. kesian la you. dont know how to use quotes. i thought your blogging very li hai de? how come dont use quotes? xp eh. you know what i mean ah? i said not only me like to do that ah, i never said im not bitchy ;D wah. see people, i was so good to offer to print out the lyrics, kwang dont want one oh. you didnt say but i say oh xp who says i never xiao qi? i got xiao qi but then not xiao qi you what you do you just dont know how serious nia. you ALWAYS hurt my feelings, so now you know liaw lo. very good la like that. hahaha. so you see la. you hang out with bias people so that's why you're biased ^^ and hello. you can ask the owner, dummy back to you. that day i borrow before you come lagi oh and you come just take from me first time. hahahaha. kena confiscated. so funny kaliahh. but then, i will get it back one oh im sure if it was you, you would probably pee in your pants and not go ;D nope, not poor me. poor you because you cannot play also liaw. neh neh xp there's nothing to do with me, but someone kp telling me that you threatening see, you so kepo kaliah. nothing to do with you you still want to say ;D because you're deaf mah. you dont know what happen first unless you stalk me 24/7. if they dont kacau me, i wont kacau them back (except for steven but i never threaten him plus he's my good friend so HA!) and i know my rubber band skills very li hai la, dont need to compliment ^^ they angry their business lo. you think they kacau me i dont angry ah? ;D and i dont need to ask la because they also dont ask mah. then if you say i dont racist to american, you say i racist to who leh? eh, i never racist to negro leh. nah. you see, you simply add things in liaw. yeah lo. whatever i say bah ^^ if whatever i say you still reply for what oh? too bored kan? yes you did kek with me with my secrets! maybe you just never realise only. you hahaha. i realise, i realise. like you also kek me with mine hor? i know i kek you before but i said lately oh? i kek you lately meh? you say la. hahaha. because im not close with them mah and my bf not their kawan mah, so why they want to tell me? people also told me secret and you dont know nia mah. see, im so good. i dont even say WHO told me secret hia. and you said cheewee told you. tsk tsk tsk. you just give clue nia. xp i know i know, because you told me liaw mah that time. see, you say last time but i understand i say last time but you dont understand. stupid la you. we both kek people last time mah but now dont have liaw lo. end of story for this. ohh, isit? i dont wanna tell you why, im afraid you might get hurt and end up i wont cry like you will ;D plus, that's what YOU do. i dont make up stories and tell people just for pity it's you hia. you never badmouth about me but you say oh and ah. means you know people badmouth about me i ask you liaw you still lie oh. yeah, you see de ah? not hear de meh? wah! kwang's eyes can hear things de eh! bah. come with witness la, you say how long ago. eh, who's the one who suddenly come online and be bitchy oh? you angry me like always no reason one, just dont talk nia. wont even tell me, how i know what i do wrong and try to change? yes, it's obvious! omg, you sure? that day, michelle came back. she bought a hey. i said it was pretty (this is a compliment ;D) but the legs are really too thin -.- wah. give comment also wrong is it? then you want me to find the artist and tell him/her to draw the legs more big? you give me way to contact la. and i say. when come out new one, i compliment, "it's perfect! O:" im not a big fat liar ^^ i said i did say it but i said i stated the truth and what i think about it. the pages are nice but the legs really not nice mah. so thin eh -.- im proud of my work because they're showable ;D and yes, i claim that they are AWESOME. not only deana oh. still got leh hor. you always say what people copycat still scold people stupid(just admit it, you said that last time and you still say that the things made are not only for one person) la but you yourself say people copycat then not stupid la? ;D and now, you dont say liaw mah but im sure you will say again next time de la~ no meh? got kua ~ for everything you deny, i got witness :) you deny here, wah. when i got show off my brother le? -.- now this i really dont know. i dont know also cannot admit la. argue with me la. i wont argue back, cannot scream liaw me or get sore throat again. and when did chia hoe say that to me oh? how come i dont remember one? yeah la. you not jealous lo ;D hahahaha. so pathetic kaliah. you want to take this to argue lagi. you can talk bad about me but dont drag my brother in. really. you better not. because my brother did nothing. oh maybe you dont know? to tell you the truth, i feel like you're copying wah. i copy you ah? so you say yourself very hiao la? what i copy from you oh? your ego is getting to your head liaw if you think im copying you. you dont awesome things so why i want to copy? you tell me la? i hang out with boys and i hang out with girls too. so get over it. what about YOU? tell me who you hang out with leh? eh, when i go online, i chat with more girls than boys one eh. -.- not like you, always chat with boys one. the guys in tuition are my friends. who say i gou ying them ah? macam you also got talk to them one hor. and why i always talk to guys in tuition? because YOU dont talk to me, you're always talking to someone else. so i no choice lo, can talk with the guys, chiew niing and shannon nia. i always embarass myself in public, i wont mind if you do, like you can. yeah, you NEVER start a conversation with her before. i see i see. and btw, you cannot use A before several. and you tell me what boy strangers i talk to first nowadays, huh? -.- except that new tuition guy because gerald forgot his name and asked me mah. eh, when i got say most of my friends are guys oh? hmm? you tell me la. yeepp. it's so obvious! you bully & hit them cause you wanna get their i bully and hit them because they kacau me why i want them to bully me back oh? cari pasal nia. you dont think so because you're just denying it ;D a girl who flirts talk like want to goda goda people de. i talk so rude kaliah where got want to goda people. like you, baru the type who like to goda boys those boys say they like you liaw, you still treat them like you want them to like you de yang zi. then always will have problem and tell me. thank you thank you~ and yeah la. you lesbo lo. who say? i treat girls more nicer eh. boys i just chu lu chu lu talk to them and girls so polite kaliah i scream at boys or girls more de ha? i think boys hor. macam last time you go ask me what it means oh? online lagi because you say you lazy search mah. careful, you shouldnt read scary books since you're so afraid of ghosts ;D siapa tahu, later when you're reading at this time of month, you see one oh. be back with the rest. need to read my chinese ming ju -.- SPOIL SPORT! you just cant play fair, can you? fine, you can go tell people what i said about them. ^-^ i dont give a poo poo about what you tell other people. neither can i control what YOU want to say. it's your big mouth anyways, not mine. you said you hate my attitude, style and all that right? well, let me tell you something. you're WORSE. yeah. you are what we call a SUPER backstabber. worse that a normal backstabber. you're so hypocritic. say you hate backstabbers but you, yourself are one. wait. maybe you're not so hypocritic. you hate backstabbers but not SUPER backstabbers. ahh. i get it now. and for YOUR information, i wont be a super backstabber like you are. i'll keep what you said about people. unlike you, i aint a spoil sport and will not go tell people. im just a girl with a bitchy attitude but you are one with a bitchy attitude and personality to match. doing all this just for revenge over nothing, you should be ASHAMED. go hide under a rock. ^^ well, you want to know what i think about you? i can tell you, everthing i dont like about you honestly and straight forwardly if you ask me to. i wont if you dont want to. because im not a person who likes to ruin other people's image by saying fake things or saying them against their wills. because im a good sport. ^-^ you know what? i thought we had alot of similarities. but i guess i was wrong. you're so different. maybe we were similar before. but you, you changed. and fyi, when someone tells you a secret. you should leak any small information out to other people to make them know someone told you a secret. because not all people are stupid like you and cannot solve mysteries. and yes, you called me stupid. i call you stupid back. so it's only fair ;D and whoa. my blog views went up. you must have cried for pity and told people how evil i was then asked them to visit to see what i wrote o: wow. i bet you told them alot of things that only in your head eh? ^-^ next time you want to spoil someone's image, go think what you do first la. for the people who's siding her, you continue siding her ;D there's no bad guy and good guy for this round. if there is a bad guy, you must think it's pasti me la. but then. you should think twice and try to know what's going on and what has been going on. what you see on the outside might not be what's really hidden inside. whoot~ yay! im the bad guy! -is extremely happy about this- when i dominate the world, i'm gonna kill you all ;D i hate hypocrites except myself. (: because im an awesome hypocrite~ signed;; jane the stupid hypocrite who wasted all her time and efforts for somebody who isnt worth it. psst. hey kwang, you noticed something? we seem to always fight during tests or near tests. lol yay for monthly fights~ e d i t s ;; oh yeah, what you did just proves that you are WEAK and cannot handle things properly. it's the first sign of loserness and noobness. i bet the people you told, wont trust you anymore because you just backstabbed your best friend like that. ;D good job and kudos for you, i guess. ------------------------------ and a side note;; uljjang means internet face idol. meaning that they are popular for their looks online and some of them are models 8D just went to the soompi uljjang thread not long ago ^-^ and let me tell you, the members there are so nice! they share and comment and stuff, which is awesome~ and omfg. the male uljjang are so hot *-* and some of the female ones are so pretty or adorable! omg. you just feel like pincing those uljjangs cheeks because they're so cute! but then, some of the girls are .-. well, not that pretty and look very very fake. plastic surgery is scary D: and i envy xiaxue! ): she gets to buy all those nail crystals! o: i cant even find much in brunei .__. damn internet. why dont you ship to brunei?! T__T
im done with you. your temper, style & everything is so shitty annoying. since when was i the only one who says i dont care, i want like this like that? hello? like SOMEONE i know also like that hor? and my temper? your temper isnt the awesomest one also eh, is it? and me xiao qi? hahahaha. when i xiao qi you oh? when you do something offending, i just ignore it hia but you just dont know that you hurt my feelings. you're always like that, hurting me but you just never know because you're too occupied that is the reason why im unattaching myself from you because i dont want to cry over small stupid mistakes you do. no one is perfect. so get over it. why dont you say michelle also? she was WAY worse than i am. she's just nice to you, you never noticed that, did you? i was nice enough to share that PSP with you you think you're the only one who want to play kan? you were hogging the psp and i only had little time to play with it. and you threaten people for what you want! wtf man. if you want what you want, i threaten people? what does this have to do with you? i only threaten people who fucking annoy me, like vk, linyong they all? yeah, for some reason, they dont get mad at me for threatening them but YOU do? like wtf man. you have issues. they know im their friend, and they are my friends, so what are you, huh? like you never threaten people also. i might be racist, but i never show it out much around people except in school hor? and me being racist, what does it have to do with YOU? yeah, i know my bitchyness is getting on other people's nerves so what? i do what i want, i help people when i want to. better than someone, seldom help people and very ungrateful when people help them. (: humans are like that, when other people do something wrong, they will scold, do something wrong yourself, you wont scold im that type of human. hypocritic, no? well, you're not any better oh yeah, here's a quote from meghan, WHO IS AMERICAN. and is my friend. and lol neechan, she is right when she says im racist ;D but then, you know that already x: well, at least im not COMPLETELY racist~ ^-^
and i dont think people can tell you secrets no more. why? cause you'll be so like other people are any better? yeah, im sooo stupid. im so fucking stupid too. oh, im a retard. get over it. it's my life, i want to be retarded, then i will be i want to be smart, then i will be say what you want. i keep what i want to keep. i kept so many of your secrets already did i kek you with them lately? i think the answer is a big fat NO last time? maybe yes, but now, no. so i dont see why you should use that against me now i keep secrets i want quite awesomely, i wont even leak or give tiny clues ;D so no, you wont know that someone told me a secret. im just too awesome like that. and tell you what. you say nobody right? well, people DO tell me ;D and you. well, you're no different from me. you also threaten other people with their secrets mah. and you said your not a backstabber. but you are! you thought people wont tell since when did i backstab you? huh? i just told shannon & jia yih that you dont care about me liaw. because, you know what? you dont. li jie and michelle. you care about them more, you know? im very observant. who said that people wont tell, people are free to say anything they want their mouth, they say what they want to. cannot control one la some people's mouth just very itchy like to talk behind their friend's back and wont admit. who say i badmouth SOMEONE nia? i badmouth alot of people already ;D but i dont badmouth my BEST friends. (ps: fyi dear, michelle was my GOOD friend last time but now that she's better, im accepting that fact) unlike someone who badmouthed about me and still said she didnt. i admit, that i badmouth about michelle, but then, she change liaw now, you still see me badmouth about her? i dont think have hor. and shannon before also, but now? dont have hor havent badmouth people for a long time liaw. maybe i should start with you (: oh wait. i already did. because you're the one who started to be bitchy and stupid? you only know how to say that har? yeah la, i very stupid happy hor? xp someone have something pretty, which you dont have. ofcourse la, everyone will
if i always jealous, then my previous compliments for what? i compliment anything i think is good and sometimes keep my mouth shut when i see something i dont like. you have an awesome family member, so what? it's not YOU. dont take other people
i think i just told you about my family members and what they do hor? maybe you're just "jealous" that i have awesome family members. if what you claim about my jealousy is true, then im certain that you are "jealous" ;D you copycat! get a life. stop copying! im sure if i copy you, you wouldnt be im copying who oh? i also dont know. so how can you know? you tell me la. and no, im very happy if you copy me. (: because only good things baru people want to copy. if you copy me, then that means im good. YAY! im very hiao? oh, is it? guys only? wahh, i only talk to boys now liaw la? i think i still have girl friends de hor and i still talk to them. i still talk to girls i dont know, so yeah. whatever you want say, i cant stop you. wah? now i know how to flirt? very nice hor. i know how to flirt eh! hey! kwang says my flirting skills very good eh! im so honoured! i never go gou ying people de. i just talk to random people when no one else talks to me. when i talk to shiaotiing they all, it wont last long because we dont have much to say. you guys like taiwan, cannot blame. if got korean freak in class also, i will keep talking to him/her also wuad. EJ? well, you guys also keep talking to her until i also cannot talk liaw im polite, i let people talk. when you dont talk to me, i go talk to other people lo. you want me sit there fa dai kan? and you say i only talk to boys? well, for one thing, they're more friendly and actually talk to me, so you cant blame me for talking to them. plus, they're more entertaining because they're more straight forward and wont care about their surroundings. they dont sugar coat their words and just say what they think. like gerald, fred, calvin, lai yong, chia hoe those guys. because they're REAL and wont lie about what they think. it's better than talking to someone who only says what other people want to hear. i bet if i was straight forward to you, our friendship wouldnt last that long already. now that we're being straight forward, im going to tell you everything i think like how YOU did. wow, remember just now teacher roman ask us to write about fantasy? well, you can add the flirting part in ^-^ im very sure you can get 100% one! and ps: i talk to strangers, so what? the people i talk to now are the people i know. hello. when you see me talk to strangers and become good friends with them? hmm? there's a feeling that you wanted to have all those guys to like you, very wah? i want all those guys like me? who oh? you dont want friends kan? if i want them to like me, will i still bully them and hit them? i dont think so it's simple. if a girl likes a boy, she will treat him soo nicely and try to let him have everything he wants. (ps: sluts wear short short skirts and i can get one anytime if i want to be slutty) wah, compared to me, i think im more mean kaliahh. i feel that im lesbo, treating you so nice last time. yeah sure, i like to talk to people and be friends. but flirt? heck no. you also always talk to boys mah. so you also flirting kan? bah, now i know liaw. and lol. i got hiao hiao voice lagi? maybe your eardrum broken liaw. too bad cannot fix de ah ;D maybe my sore throat affect my voice la. so kahsian la me, keep scream scream scream at people until i get sorethroat. sorethroat liaw still have to scream scream scream. and omg! kwang so lihai eh! know how to use eerie! im so proud to have teacher you some english words. still remember that phobia thing? it was awesome. this post is just for fun!pls dont get offended.im not saying about you :D
and boohoo. you copied my sarcasm D: well, at least i know something, you think my sarcasm is good because you're copying it. I HATE COPYCATS! oh oh, careful kwang~ your ego is filling your head up because i aint copying you ;D plus, im not a cat.
totally very behsong someone, will blog abt it tmrw. =/ ! still didnt update yesterday. tomorrow liaw oh~ i wanted to read the reason for why you suddenly turned so bitchy in msn ;D and went yeayea, fine fine & we didnt call you sing la. dont come la. lmao. what i do to you oh? so angry ahh you. tsk tsk tsk. you told chia ling i pissed you off? macam like you didnt piss me off also because of the drama? well, get over it you also demanding and scream scream during the drama filming plus, i didnt even scream at you weh. and lol. see i was so nice lagi. take your bag for you ah xp from class to hall. so far~ so heavy you know? what you put inside? -.- rocks kan? -------------- anyways~ tuition last night fun kaliahh xD so funny ehh. that lonejie and yap bahh. suddenly macam FBI! xD yap sart leh, still got gun oh? xp and frederick tapian! hahahah~ kidding xp chia hoe, chia hoe, go pull down frederick's pants for whatt? later his boxer kena see, he will paiseh one ah! yap's toe cacat liaw~ thanks to me 8D hahaha. yap was jumping around tuition. lol it was so funny. seeing him jump around xD lonejie and teo scared me eh -.- the hide under the table it was night time and it was dark now ghost festival lagi eh omg. i feel onto the floor xD and lol~ qi fu sent yee koko xp tukk~ punched his face softly xD oh oh! one more thing lagi! form 2 study in form 1 room on friday in the afternoon. everyone talking~ -fan lao shi comes in- -everyone keeps quiet except teo- fan lao shi: teo and wen ru! come out~ -teo starts singing that alert song- -wen ru goes out- fan lao shi: EH TEO AH! come out! -everyone keeps quiet including teo & teo walks out- -teo reaches door- -teo sings alert song again- fan lao shi: WAH! got seh lagi! hahahaha! so funny ah xD
i checked the score just nowyay! china and korea top 3 wehh! syok kaliah. the chinese gymnastic people are awesome o__o and still remember that cute little kid who was marching with yao ming at the opening ceremony? muahahaha! i finally know who he is and why he has the honor of marching in the olympics with one of the awesomest sport legends ever~ that little kid is one awesome person. he's a mini sized hero with a HUGE heart. he saved his two of his classmates and his great leading skills gave his other classmates hope in a very desperate time. this boy will always remain as a hero in my heart for his brave and honorable action. Little (big) Lin Hao survived one of the most dark, horrible days in the history this boy is so brave! if i were in his position i'd be scared and keep crying. omg~ i still cant get over how awesome he is *-* and he's younger than me lagi eh i bet most people of our age arent even capable of saving people at that time. so, anyways. blah blah blah... nyam nyam nyam @-@ michelle is back from china. mhm, with a new look and new attitude and more stuff she wont tell me time with kwang is lacking. boohoo. me and jia yih kena abandon alot of times liaw. but mehh. i learned how not attach to kwang so much already so im fine with her running off ^-^ jane is an independant person now~ yayness~ blahh. i hate BONG to the core no no, not my class bong the oh lang bong ~ nabehh leh! YAY FOR OLYMPICS~ and die die die you fcking racist bastards who hate china because they're awesomer than you're country die die die spanish basketball team for mocking the chinese unless you pee brains dont know, china is the HOST country hope you no luck and lose the match mocking people isnt good. especially at such an important event such as the olympics you few people represent the country tsk tsk tsk, your country should be ashamed to have racist bastards like you people ;D you think you made fun of the chinese by doing that slang eye pose thingy for something official, well, your plans have failed as you are the ones who look like retards. end of bashing. feel free to bash me back with non-stupid stuff. if you dont have anything smart to say, it's best if you just shut up ;D credits to soompi & http://my.opera.com/rjfink/blog/index.dml/tag/Lin%20Hao for the article about the awesome kid credits to soompi for the spanish racism stuff and some other news website :/
yay for me! too much sarcasm? >.> wow. i cant believe it when i had high fever in tuition yesterday, i was absolutely ignored by my friends eh. so kahsiann la me friends so lauya one. i think the only person who cared for me was shannon. lol but then, she also ignored me and camwhore with them not long later. i still remember when kwang high fever eh, i worry bout her so much and take care of her in tuition lagi ehh. and now, i get ignored even if my fever was super high. you'll be happy to hear that i have to eat 2 fucking big panadols every damn 4 hours. yay for me again! and they're so damn big T___T wahh. so hard to swallow so had to cut into 4 parts. yes, i suck like that. absolutely (: mhmm... even if my brain was fobby that time, i could still remember how my friends "cared" for me. shannon: your hands are so hot -touches forehead- WAHH! fever eh! chia ling: OMG! OMG! I WANNA TOUCH < this one ah, so happy lagi. FUCK YOU! me: dont touch -slaps chia ling's hand- kwang, niing and ej: -doesnt know yet- chialing: -kepo kepo go tell chiew niing they all- niing: JANE! you feverr? kwang: want panadol? -jane is super annoyed due to headache- jane: no. then they go camwhore liaw. who can blame them? im INVISIBLE anyways. maybe if i die due to super super super high fever they also wont know or care one la. im the luckiest person on earth, know that? choi choi choi touch wood? fuck no. no choi choi choi. jsdjksdhskjds >.> kwang messaged me around 6.30 like that? and asked me if i was going to tuition and if i was feeling better. still doesnt make up for ignoring me. so awesome of you to ignore me. but still, thanks for messaging me and yes, im ranting. what are you gonna do about it? ps: my fever is 38.6 degree c~ whoot! so i dont have to go to schoollll~ -does elephant victory dance- and lol, my fever went down already when i eat panadol. so i might be going to tuition at night. lalalalalala~ |
![]() Believe in the power of Karma. Whatever you do shall be repaid, be it good or bad. Oh, and this is my blog, so I obviously don’t give a damn about what you think. Web Counter since 6th July 2008 ♣ jane, sora, wasabii or milk ♣ 12.o1 ♣ likes to photoshop ♣ studying in CHMS ♣ obsessed with touching hair ♣ loves chocolate way too much ♣ listens to korean music ♣ is random, weird and crazy ♣ is nice but mean in some ways ♣ does not like to be teased ♣ likes reading fanfics & manga ♣ a lousy writer ♣ i hate DOTA with passion
IWants ♠ a happy life ♠ his love and undivided attention ♠ improve my drawing ♠ more plushies (i bet this will never be crossed off) ♠ study hard ♠ more drawing tools ♠ stable emotions ♠ cuff earrings ♠ second piercing (left) ♠ more clothes ♠ learn hacking ♠ DIE SWINE FLU!!! PERISH! ♠ find cappu ♠ ♠ get "dark lord"