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miss me? x3 anyways, my review! jane's epic & awesome review of singapore AND medan, indonesia. i'll do singapore's first since i went to singapore first and im very sleepy now. (ps: not much pictures since i was damn lazy to take them. i'll try to get some pictures from my pro photographer brother in law xD) SILK AIR. singapore's plane lo. the seats very high standard also~ 8D so yeah, boarded the plane around 11 o clock? well, since it was lunch time. they served us lunch. although look very high standard, the service sucks lo. eh -.- kuilan eh them. want to land liaw baru they serve me my lunch. wth man? they served the row infront of us (my mom, uncle & aunt's row) then they skip ours eh. dian jie jie very beh song xD and when the serve us, my mom (& very very slow nephew) already finish eating oh. not syok then what oh? dian jie jie got a feed back form and wrote an essay xD lol. the whole time i was on the plane. i was afraid that it'd crash. hahahaha. very lauya la me xD i was thinking "if im so damn scared now, what about the other 3 plane rides? more scared kann?" so yeah, lucky lucky i didnt get plane sick x3 when we got to the airport, we did those normal airport stuff and they rented a shutter (small bus thingy) to take us to our APARTMENT. yes, APARTMENT. i thought the apartment not bad de lo. who knew? when we got there, the apartment like boh standard de -.- i took a bath in COLD WATER on the first day. na ehh. cannot bath properly like that ah. and the apartment also si beh kiamsiap wan lo. the blanket like towel ah. -.- if know earlier, i bring my own blanket! HMMPT! couldnt sleep much because my mom kept snoring. hahahaha. anyways, after we checked in our apartment which was on the 11th floor (puahaha, kwang came to mind xD), we went shopping. x3 since it was sunday, it was damn crowded and there was this game thing going on there that time too o__o so yeah, more crowded, we went to the food court and ate stuff 8D i liked the japanese pancakes! the fish! hahaha, so cute xD puahahahaha. so we went shopping after that. my nephew was on toy craze. he bought LOADS of toys -.- you see la. so many cars. lol. at night, we went to this korean restaurant! i was soo sooo excited. since i never ate korean food before. hahahaha. so yeah, we ate some famous korean food 8D grilled meat. the chicken one taste the best xD it tasted sweet and salty. hahahaha. the rest of the food not very nice :/ but okay okay la. i ate it because i wanted experience xD so i tried MOST of the food on the table. oh, the bill was scary. 9 people eat until 300+. @__@ hahahaha, pokkai ah~ will continue second day tomorrow or tonight x3 im lazy now. and my head isnt feeling very well.
1. How are you feeling today? Dejavu - ss501 {um... okayy? o__o} 2. Will you get far in life? Paparazzi - AJOO {does that mean i'll become famous? *-*} 3. How do your friends see you? Sarangalee - FT Island {lol, love pain? xD they love me, dont they? xDD} 4. Will you get married? FIND - ss501 {.... o__o} 5. What is your best friend's theme song? Rokugo - Super Junior {hahahah! so hyper. true true xD} 6. What is the story of your life? Wo gao de dao - Yue Wei Ting {hahaha, i deserve it all? =p} 7. What was high school like? loves greeting - Seeya {kyaa~ *-*} 8. How's your life going? Timeless - Jang Riin & Junsu {LOL~ xD yes yes. WAS} 9. What's the best thing about your friends? nobody - Wonder Girls {lol, i have no friends?\ they have no good qualities? xD} 10. What song will they play during your funeral? Sonata of temptation - Ivy {nice... T__T} 11. How does the world see you in? Lucky Days - ss501 {hahaha, wow, you think im lucky? xp} 12. Do people secretly lust after you? Lalala - Big Bang {o___o lalala~ everybody get a mop~ yes, i know you all love me~} 13. How can you make yourself happy? Hey Mr. Big {hahaha, my mr. big will make me happy ;D imy~} 14. What should you do with your life? Zhe yi miao - Super Junior M {lol~ i should wait at a train station? xD} 15. Will you ever have children? Ni shi wo xing nei de yi shou ge - Selina & Lee Hom {... huh??} 16. What song would you strip to? i have no idea what song this is called but lol, it's weird xD TRACK 2 8D 17. What does your mum think of you? Chain - BACK-ON {wow, she thinks im ambitious 8D} 18. What is your deep, dark secret? Last farewell - Big Bang {o__o} 19. What is your enemy's theme song? Im Coming - Rain {lol. xD he/she wants to dance whoever he/she is} 20. What's your personality like? Tell Me - Wonder Girls {saying that im busy body, HUH? -.- lol, no idea why i still have this song.} 21. What song will be played at your wedding? Let's go on a trip - SM Town {awwe, i was sorta hoping for Marry U by Super Junior T__T} WHY NO DBSK SONGS?! D: btw, I TAG KWANG! -evil laugh- just put your playlist on shuffle and put the song name in xD got tagged by kwang xDD What is the most important things in your life? - people i love 8D, fanfics & stuffs -shifty eyes- What is the last thing you bought with your own money? - candy and chocolates!! Where do you wish to get married? - a nice quiet place with beautiful scenery~ How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love? - lol, dont know. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner? - thiamhock. (same as kwang 8D) Name the latest book you bought. - um... hm... i dont know D: a pratical book. What is your full name? - Jane Pooness. (deal with it. muahahaha!) Name the person you wish to meet in real life or the first time. - ahem ahem, changmin or minhwan or taejun or sangjune. ^-^ Christina or Britney? - Christina. =p Do you do your own laundry? - nope, never, never will either. The most exciting place you wanna go? - my house ^-^ um... anywhere fun .__. Hugs or kisses? - hugs~ 8 things I am passionate about: - korean artists, gamesss~ (rpg is loved, ahem, tekken too), photoshop, internet ^3^, horror movies, anime, clothes & watching his every move from my very very convinient seat with a good view 8D 8 things I say too often: - eh, cheh, haha, i dont know, i hate you, you suck, omg, "his" name 8D 8 books I´ve read recently: - do fanfics count?? if only the rain could wash away the phonecall, when a nerd removes her glasses, suicide note, you're my song, love sucks, KARMA, The Last Hydregeas. I CANT THINK OF ANYMORE T___T 8 songs I could listen to over and over again: - Mirotic (fear the sexiness!), Hey Mr Big , Timeless, Up to the sky, U go girl, haru haru, last farewell, holding back the tears 8 things I learned last year: - i dont know. o__o Tag 8 people: LIZA!, michelle xD, gerald =p, kaylee~, the panda ass (wenni~ xD), meghan ^-^, Fiqah~, Singyee (lol, post in your chinese blog =p) tagged by liza xD
TWO most boys think im not really a girl. D: THREE i often get manicures~ FOUR i dont eat much. (lol, really~) FIVE my worst phobia has recently been discovered by alot of people. T___T SIX i dont really cry much but i cried over him a lot. -.- SEVEN i think liza is a pervert for her fact number 8. xD EIGHT i loveee chocolate too much for my own good. NINE i cant sit still for long. TEN i play games with my nephew and pwn him because im evil and wont let him win. xD YOU'RE TAGGED: chok, kwang, mish, gerald, meghan, donna, wenni, fiqah, veena, zi ying what i have to say today: i got a manicure this morning xD so pretty~ i'll take pictures of it soon. lol, another booking on 5/6th December. will take picture again that time. xD
which sucks... a little. i cant stay mad for long already! or rather, cant even get mad anymore! hahaha, now you're probably thinking, isnt that a good thing? well, you have to be mad sometimes mah! if you're happy all the time later people say you're weird. boo~ later people take advantage of it. T___T but still. honest opinions are good! so if you want to say something to me, just say it, araso? i promise i wont get mad. ^-^ anyways~ last night quite fun also xD hahahaha, i had alot of things to blog about but now i forgot liaw! boo! i wanted to blog about teck teck's party too! but so lazy~ too many things to say later koko call me retard because i'd probably laugh while typing it all out. i got my piercing lo~ yay! hahaha, the gun's sound so scary kaliah. it was like TUK! OMGGG~ so loud x__x back to last night. hahaha, mom ALMOST heard me curse out loud. good thing didnt x: miracle man! kwang came out with us! whooot~ -hugs kwang- lol, lingyong's pants got story lagi! hahaha, nice leh? =p and grr lingyong! so jahat ahh! curse it all T___T i cant eat prawns and last night so much tempting prawn food! so sad so sadd~ T___T and lingyong so mean lagi! he take the creamy creamy de prawn put in front of me and say "mmm~ so nice de prawn~" yerr! smack him ah! xD we played this game. omfg! it made my heart jump so fast lehh x__x good thing i lucky got my number 13! hahaha. because im a chaboh so no need lo~ -evil laugh- lol~ kwang got the one must pose like a pondan~ hahaha, i pose with her. xD and mish lucky lo! get present one! hmmpt! walao, good thing got siaw wern sit in the middle of mish and shou cong or pasti got food fly around de x__x jiayih one i dont think i remember o__o OMG!! JIAYIHH~ did you open?! O____O lingyong's monkey pose xDD vk nice also lo, he got the no command de xD hahaha, after that the boys played DOTA. those boys ah, dota dota dota nia. you have to understand their language. examples are - eh, want to go out later? = eh, want to play dota with me later? - you think you very geng kan? = i challenge you to dota see who more li hai! and for every situation, pasti got dota de. for example okay, so you dissed them by saying they're gay and they're not worthy. guy: EH! THEN DOTA ONE ON ONE LA! SEE WHO WIN you say: sure, you vs lingyong lo. guy: EH! CANNOT LIKE THAT DE AH! and it's easy to pick a fight with them xD OGRE MAGI'S BUTT IS SO DAMN UGLY! someone will reply you for SURE if you scream that out. back to last night =p lol, lingyong said something really funny when the moms started to sing in the next room xD lingyong: ehh. me: hmm? oO lingyong: how do you put up with this? do they do this every time?? that made me laugh xD so while the boys were playing and the moms were singing, we girls went out 8D jiayih had to go unitek to buy sims but then, computer section closed liaw yer, so many emo wannabes there de -.- and alot of bin chao chao de ma lai cha boh there also. see also tulan. hahahaha~ then when jiayih left, we went to the mall. me and mish walk fast? xD bought a pair of earrings and a ring for someone (: hahaha, i'll go pokai in singapore i tell you! i got presents to buy xD kwang, reych, mish, jiayih, chiewniing&fred (birthday same day ah them xD), LING (buy her mirotic enough le xD), ly, vk, singyee (for sure de =p) and alot lagi. x: lingyong's brother doesnt look like him oO at first i thought it was who lagi xD but lol, then i saw lingyong's sister. so he left early and he left his command paper thinggy so i have it with me first 8D then kwang leave le T__T left me, mish and siaw wern~ me and mish go close the boys' connection xD they still dont know lagi and they were like ehh? how come suddenly become bright de? only soon ai know xD shh~ dont tell x: all and all, we had fun (: now i need to work on two graphics~ hahaha, been long time since i got a request xD ps: i made a sexy banner ;D sangjune ftwww~
i dont know... 6 i think. one more chance. one more chance left. if you cant do it, im giving up. im really gonna give up. im tired of crying over you so much. im tired of knowing you care but dont act like it. im sick and tired of being ignore. you know what? you make me hate you but you make me miss you so much. i dont want to cry over you anymore. crying too much can cause people to be blind. i dont want to be blind. i still want to meet someone who's better than you someday. even though it's hard to meet someone like that. i hate you for being so nice, i hate you for changing me so much. i hate you for making me so weak and nice. but i miss you so much to the point that i forget i hate you. one more chance. there's still tomorrow. if you cant do it, then i'll just have to give up. i wont admit it, i wont. i'll go on my holiday and try to forget about you. |
![]() Believe in the power of Karma. Whatever you do shall be repaid, be it good or bad. Oh, and this is my blog, so I obviously don’t give a damn about what you think. Web Counter since 6th July 2008 ♣ jane, sora, wasabii or milk ♣ 12.o1 ♣ likes to photoshop ♣ studying in CHMS ♣ obsessed with touching hair ♣ loves chocolate way too much ♣ listens to korean music ♣ is random, weird and crazy ♣ is nice but mean in some ways ♣ does not like to be teased ♣ likes reading fanfics & manga ♣ a lousy writer ♣ i hate DOTA with passion
IWants ♠ a happy life ♠ his love and undivided attention ♠ improve my drawing ♠ more plushies (i bet this will never be crossed off) ♠ study hard ♠ more drawing tools ♠ stable emotions ♠ cuff earrings ♠ second piercing (left) ♠ more clothes ♠ learn hacking ♠ DIE SWINE FLU!!! PERISH! ♠ find cappu ♠ ♠ get "dark lord"