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hiding the cake was hard .__. plus, me and kwang plan to put at guan lao shi's there, but thenn, she havent come yet T_T my birthday was mostly unknown to most of the boys at first until reychi come in and shouted happy birthday. then they went silent and looked at me like i was some sort of freak -.- (they probably think i am thanks to yapepe!) and harris asked me a very stupid question! haha "eh jane, is today really your birthday?" this lonejie ah! he so kepo! he told reychi about the cake T__T BOOO! during reccess, we cut cake and ate food xD hahaha, chia ling and pei yi also got the cake~ this eric and joel ah, so greedy i tell you -.- lol, the pictures will come during the picture post =p WAHH! I KENA BULLIED MORE THAN USUAL ON MY BIRTHDAY T___T how kesian is that?! shien chung keep bullying me! T__T lol. i gave chia hoe some of me and reych's birthday cake. well, he ate it. and and and -.- he kept all the chocolate. then guess what? during malay class, i think. his friend come and call me to go find him. i was like oO why? he said i HAD to go so yeah, i told teacher that i wanted to go out and left. then i saw alot of boys there oO i was thinking "apakan? o__o" and then khew said "happy birthday" rubs something on my face. my face felt cold oO so i touched the thing and looked at it. and! it was chocolate! CHOCOLATE T___T they said i pooped T___T lol. ah tay shook hands with me and said happy birthday hahaha, i bet i got chocolate on his hands. good for you =p anyways, im lazy now -.- so im just gonna thank people. ^-^ THANK YOU ^3^
(im trying to put it on order, but i'd probably mess up xD) edmund & fred (said in advance) , calvin, gerald, jin, meghan neechan (lovefti forum unni- cause she cheated xD),reychelle, my family members (new addition, ah soh!), sie shing, shou cong, caven, harris, lonejie (lol, he even give me invisible cake ah!), lingyong, kwang (she blogged xD), mish, jia yih, soon ai, vk, sun, singyee, shiao tiing, seng ngie, ling, pei yi, most of my other classmates, khew, ah jing jie jie (wonder how she knew xD), the lovefti forumers (dalis umma, ankeh, pop, etc etc), vivien, liza, pei ling, kaylee~, EMMA, soong ying, yapepe (even if he called me a stalker), sent yee ko ko, carmy dear, marvin i think i forgot some people. kick me if you're one of them.
-throws confetti and repeats 5 times- HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLACK GUPPY KUEYTEOWW~ -doesnt know if she got it right of not, well, tried ^^- and yes, im overly happy for you. OHMYGEE~ you're getting a year older! you old woman! D: happy 15th birthday~~~ @__@ -sings birthday song- HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY~ -repeats for the billionth time- ahhh~ x__x did i say happy birthday yet? MUAHHAHAHAHA! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ im the first person to greet you in class! -laughs like a maniac- im going to the mall... soon x__x dammit T___T jane doesnt want to gooo T___T but im too soft hearted. you plead me and i'll agree. haisss! T___T -gets ready to die- btw, ling says i have a dying issue xD hahaha. -dies-
i said i didnt want to talk to those boys anymore, i still talked to one. i couldnt really ignore someone of they talk to me, right? >> that would be rude. aishhh..... life's hard! T___T
answer: cause im lazyyyyy T__T you went to my party but you didnt blog about it?! T___T answer: im sorryyy T___T im too lazy~ where's your vacation review?! answer: lazyyy. x-x lol, sun yat sen. i WILL show you the picture of sun yat sen xD kwangy: updatee baa =p! blog crap also nevermind. answer: hahaha, sure sure xD i blog crap for you now. LOL~ jk jk x: btw, im gonna change my layout... soon xD how soon? idk yet x: MUAHAHAHAHAHAH! -muahahaha again- new boybands! Hit-5! AHHH HIT-5!!! im still going lol over their name. hit-5 = 5 handsome idol teenagers. but it's really cute. hahaha. their song HIT is not bad 8D i loveee duan's YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME part. so soooooo much! cause cause, it's just awesome so shut up D: his voice is *-* duan ahh~ oh. and gao yu too 8D carmy owns fan and we share gao yu. lol so eff off o: i only share with carmy and my twinnie xD (and kwang if she wants, lol) then there's TOP COMBINE. they're not bad also lo 8D very korean inspired chinese boyband. ahh~ i loveee their song. lol (-labels self a freak-) i MIGHT do a HIT-5 picture spam.... MIGHT >> depends on my mood. lazy or not. lol ANYWAYS, HAPPY 2009!! ^@*&$@* i know, im late. -.- well, at least i greeted T___T a few days ago, me and carmy were on epic crack xD lol. come with me back to mars! and and HANDCREAM. HAHAHAHAHA! HANDCREAMMMMMM~ -continues laughing like an idiot- not funny to you, well, you just dont get it u__u i havent been online as much as i used to. xD cause cause! -points at nephew- blame him D: he made me play games with him and he claimed my computer -.- RAWR!! call of duty 4. hahaha, playing with him is so damn annoying. since he was still new to it, i helped him by using the mouse. xD so yeah, i was focus and shoot + direction. and he's in charge of the moving. okay, here's the annoying part. -.- let's say, you already got damn shot so if you get shot again, you die. so we were standing behind the fence thingy. then all of a sudden, you started moving TOWARDS the enemies. of course you got shot to death lo -.- hahaha, i kept on scolding him. but he still wont listen to me. hah. then i let him play himself >> and guess what? he died faster and got fed up xD call of duty 4, i hate you. -.- just now, i was playing Wii sports with my nephew xD and rayman too x: i want to cry! T___T i lost in tennis to a little kid! NOOO~ i was one shot away from winning >> bleh. shame on me. but but, im so good at the rayman singing thing thing. muahaha~ btw, i got tagged by kwang D: 48.Tag 6 person - jane *its a must okay, dont be lazy!* ^ see, im the first, and she thinks im lazy D: hahaha xD o1.Do you like to talk a lot? ; um... yes? xD 2. Do you love anyone now? ; DUAN HUANG WEII~ 3. Do you hate being scolded in public? ; duhh. -.- who doesnt? 4. Do you hate school? ; no D: im so boredd~ 5. Do you hate yourself? ; yes and no. lol. sometimes 6. Do you find yourself cute? ; i wish. xD 7. Do you feel like having a gf / bf right now? ; yes! prince duan xD haha, jk jk x: no. 8. Do you smoke or drink? ; no, im a good girl ^^ 9. Do you like your teachers? ; a few... 10. Do you take drugs? ; i've eaten medicine D: 11. Do you like going to the movies? ; nope. bleh. 13. Do you prefer calling? Or SMS? ; SMS~ i dont like talking into the phone. makes my ear numb (i blame mishie! D:) 14. Do you eat every morning? ; yes when i have to go to school, no in the holidays 15. Do you go online everyday? ; nope. xD 16. Do you want to cry now? ; yes, the song im listening to is so touching T__T hahaha. 17. What are you doing now? ; listening to dui bu qi wo ai ni, doing this thingy, wondering about something, trying to remember the lyrics to this song. 18. What are you thinking of now? ; huang wei. hahaha. what? it's the song xD i blame it. x: 19. What are you listening to now? ; dui bu qi wo ai ni (sadly, there's no long AND clear version of the one huang wei sang) 20. Who was the last person who sent you a message? ; ling yong. 21. Last time you got lonely? ; idk oO 22. Last time someone made you happy? ; lol, i dont know, just now? xD 23. Are you angry at someone? ; of course not. 24. Guitar or drums? ; drums 25. Do you love the people who make you happy? ; of course! 26. Do you believe in those people? ; haha, i guess? 27. What is your target for this year? ; be a better student and person, finish my fanfics. 28. Do you rather shop alone or with people? ; depends... 29. Who do you hate now? ; someone... hahaha, not hate but not really happy with. 30. Who are your best friends? ; people ^^ 31. Who are you missing now? ; my friends T___T haha, kwang should make me sushi for my birthday xD 32. How are you feeling now? ; tired... 33. What can you say about your ex-bf? ; haha, i dont have? xD 34. Are you single or taken? ; why should i tell you? -.- 35. If you are single, are you enjoying it? ; yes xD 36. Do you think your ex really loved you? ; wtf? xD 37. Message to your enemy? ; hi, i hope we'll meet again in hell ^^ 38. The most important thing in a relationship? ; trust for sure 39. Say something about alcoholism? ; you're killing yourself slowly :/ 40. Any advice to a friend you know who has a problem? ; stop thinking about negative things you butthead. 41. What can you say about "HATERS"? ; get a life. -3- 42. Name an opposite sex you like to see everyday. ; -cough cough- does huang wei and gao yu count? 43. You're inlove with that person? ; lol, i dont know. 44. Last tough question you answered? ; um... it's in my maths paper. -.- thinking about it makes me feel stupid already D: 45. What did you answer? ; a wrong answer. T__T 46. Do you have a lot of pic in your blogger? ; HA! NOOOO~ 47. Favorite place? ; Mars. (hahaha, only carmy will understand this one xD) 48.Tag 6 person - dalton - michelle - liza - gerald - panda ass wennie - ma-er xD hahaha, and about that previous post. lol, im not gonna commit suicide la. -.- im not that dumb, okay? i havent met huang wei yet so i wont die. lol the previous post was just how i kinda feel. lol, i blame it on that story i read. xD "on how to die effectively" it's a really nice story. very sad and dramatic. and the story is nicely written too. the plot is very very interesting and unexpected. and there are random twists. i love the trailer. xD |
![]() Believe in the power of Karma. Whatever you do shall be repaid, be it good or bad. Oh, and this is my blog, so I obviously don’t give a damn about what you think. Web Counter since 6th July 2008 ♣ jane, sora, wasabii or milk ♣ 12.o1 ♣ likes to photoshop ♣ studying in CHMS ♣ obsessed with touching hair ♣ loves chocolate way too much ♣ listens to korean music ♣ is random, weird and crazy ♣ is nice but mean in some ways ♣ does not like to be teased ♣ likes reading fanfics & manga ♣ a lousy writer ♣ i hate DOTA with passion
IWants ♠ a happy life ♠ his love and undivided attention ♠ improve my drawing ♠ more plushies (i bet this will never be crossed off) ♠ study hard ♠ more drawing tools ♠ stable emotions ♠ cuff earrings ♠ second piercing (left) ♠ more clothes ♠ learn hacking ♠ DIE SWINE FLU!!! PERISH! ♠ find cappu ♠ ♠ get "dark lord"