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Friday, August 21, 2009,8:11 AM
i'd be lying if i said i had nothing to say.
but i dont want to say it so suck it up.
same old, same old stuff.
(teacher po alwin: history repeats itself!)
things never change... and it never will.
i dont bother this time.
there's absolutely nothing i can do except wait.
i'll let fate or whatever do it's thing.
if it wants to fck around with MY life again, go right ahead.
it's not like i cant take it, im already used to it.
things never last, so cherish it before it's completely shattered again.
i still dont get it but all i know is that it's part of life.
life is unfair, get used to it.

sentence of the day;
No one can make you inferior without your consent.

Sunday, August 16, 2009,12:06 AM
i suddenly felt like writing something.
um... criticism welcomed?
i dont think it'll be very good. haha.
what's funny is that im listening to amigo, genie & all those unsad songs while writing this. LOL
am i freaking for doing that? :p

To My Heart,

charaters & their roles

Nam Eunmi - female lead
(means grace & beauty)

Im Jaehwa - Eunmi's crush since childhood
(means respect & beauty)

Kim Sangmin - Eunmi's friend & school's "Mr. Popular"
(means aid & cleverness)

title: To My Heart,
length: unsure. probably around 5 chapters?

Seeing the sight before me, I stopped running and caught my breath. With my heavy chest heaving up and down, I watched how the little boy ran up to the little girl with his umbrella, how he grinned at her and raised the umbrella over her head, how she smiled back seeing him willing to get himself all wet for her.

Was that what we called true love? I don't think so. Being at that innocent age, everyone was so pure, just like angels. Everything seemed true when it was in fact, not. It was only a matter of time until they'll discover that. Or...maybe one of them truly loved the other... maybe he or she might turn out like me. I might seem fine on the outside, happy even, but the truth was that every part of me was slowly dying inside. That gnawing pain that seemed to be slowly dissolving my heart. Those who put on the biggest smiles like nothing's wrong are the ones that fight battles inside that no one knows about.

When I was five, I used to believe that everything I saw in movies were real, that the people who died in the movies really died. Growing up, I finally realised how naive and silly my thoughts were, how everything was just a deceiving act. Hopefully, those little kids over there might turn out different. There was still a ray of hope for them but it was God's choice whether to crush it or not.

The rain started to pour harder. It was almost as if the sky could feel my pain, maybe it was crying for me. Nah... That's impossible. Why would the sky want to cry for me? The tears that were rolling down my cheeks were left unnoticed as they merged together with the raindrops that caressed my face.

Hearing heavy, running footsteps behind me, a bubble of hope slowly appeared in my heart. Maybe he was willing to get dripping wet chasing after me because it was all a misunderstanding and doesn't want me to hate him, maybe... he does love me.

I took my time turning around, fearing that the shock or depression might be too great for me. When I got a good look at the panting figure, the bubble of hope immediately popped. The person standing before me was not Im Jaehwa, but Kim Sangmin. Nam Eunmi, you were a fool for thinking that Jaehwa would be chasing a worthless girl like you...

Dear heart, I'm sorry I let someone break you again...

Kim Sangmin POV ---x

Although the people around her didn't notice the tears strolling down her cheeks, I did. When no one had the desire to run after her, I did. Why did I? Even I'm not sure. My feet magically took control after I saw her bolt past me, I ditched my friends and started running after her. Hearing my name being shouted behind me didn't make me stop running but it only made me run faster.

It was no wonder that she was part of the school's track and field team, she ran faster than a car. Just when I was about to give up in chasing her, she stopped not far away and watched a pair of children under a blue umbrella. She suddenly decided to turn around and face me, but when she did, the hopeful look on her face was quickly replaced by a look of sorrow like she was expecting to see someone else, not me. Ouch, that somehow hurt my pride.

"Nam Eu- Eunmi shi, are you okay?" I slowly approached her and asked.

Without taking a second glance at me, she turned around and mumbled something along the lines of "leave me alone." What is with this girl and stabbing my pride? Wait, why AM I letting her kill my pride? She was like a little sister in need. She needed someone, but no one came to her aid so I think I'll be superman just for a day and help her out. I followed her as she started to walk away.

"Why are you following me?" she asked and turned around to look at me with a glare on her face. Her voice and eyes were as cold as ice, if possible, colder. Unknowingly, I took a step back.

"I'll be your superman for today." I said without a second thought.

Her glare disappeared and a confused but weird look was plastered on her face. She opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but closed it again as she laid a finger on her pursed lips. Was it because of what I said? I thought back to the line that flowed out of my mouth so smoothly seconds ago and mentally slapped myself. That was such a stupid thing to say! But it sounded so cool in my head.

Because I was freaking out in my head, I didn't notice her walk away from me. It was a while before I did and she was already sitting at the sheltered bus stop, watching me run over to her. She sighed, scooted over a little bit and patted the empty seat beside her. Just like an obedient puppy, I sat beside her and started swinging to and fro while tapping onto the plastic seat.

"Kim Sangmin, why did you bother to chase me?" she looked at me again after squeezing the water out of her hair. I loosened up a little after hearing that her tone was less hostile now.

"I told you. I'm going to be your superman today." I couldn't help but grin when an amused smirk appeared on her face instead of the weird look she gave me moments ago.

"So, why were you running away?" since she looked like she calmed down, I took this chance to ask her.

She gave me a hesitant look before she put on a thinking face and looked to the other side. It was only moments later that she turned back to me and was about to answer my question. Sadly, I couldn't hear the answer just yet because after she said "well...", a bus arrived and the bus driver started barking orders at us to stop being so slow and get on the bus or he'd drive off without us.

"F*CK OFF! No one wants to get on a stinking bus when the driver is nothing but a bi*ch! Now, drive off before I decide to get on your bus and shove a stick up your fat as*!" before I could even register what had happened, the bus entrance shut close and the bus drove off at lightning speed.

Nam Eunmi sure is scary. I hope I didn't anger her with my question just now. I don't want to die yet. Seeing me inch further away to the edge of the seat, she gave me a "look-buddy-I'm-not-going-to-kill-you" look. Although I was debating whether I should run away or not, I went back to my original seat just for the sake of cheering her up a little.

"As I was saying before that b*tch of a bus driver rudely interrupted us..." she rolled her eyes when she thought about the bus driver and continued talking.

"Do you know Im Jaehwa?" she suddenly asked me with sparkles in her eyes but they disappeared after a while and her eyes became completely dull.

"Yeah, I do. Why?" Of course I do! He was my sunbae (senior) last year before he graduated. I remember him being very quiet, he always had this bored and deadly look on his face. He might be good looking and all, but I still don't get why the girls swoon over him so much. He never talked to anyone except Nam Eunmi and no one dared to approach him too. She seemed like the only person he wasn't so cold around. I wonder what happened.

"It's because of him. You see, we were friends even since we were little kids. When I was 11 and when he was 13, he got hit by a bunch of bullies for me... after that, he learnt how to fight and gradually, he became colder and colder to everyone..." a sad smile formed and tears started to collect on the brim of her eyes. I nodded for her to continue.

"I fell in love with him after that incident. I thought he loved me back too from the way he acted. He would only smile at me, no one else. And, he would embrace me with a tight hug whenever he or I felt sad. Even after 7 years, he would still smile at and hug only me... that is, until today. When I went to his apartment just now, I saw my best friend with her arms wrapped around his neck and... he looked happy." a single tear streamed down her hot cheeks.

"Maybe he only thought of you as a friend. I mean, smiling and hugging doesn't mean you love someone as a lover..." for some reason, I decided to be straight forward. It was probably for her own good...

"No..." she said calmly. A little to calmly...

"When I was taking care of him while he was sick two months ago, I heard him say "Eunmi... I love you..." with a tear drop dripping off his face in his sleep..." it was then the single tear wasn't lonely anymore. Within a few seconds, a new set of tears started to pour out.

The world seemed to have stopped the moment she cried. Nothing seemed to be moving at that short moment, I couldn't take my eyes off the crying figure before me. Somehow, it felt like it was my fault that she cried but I know for a fact that it wasn't. The sound of the rain patting onto the plastic roof above our heads and Eunmi's muffled sobs were the only sources of noise in this now empty street.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw something sink down in the dark alley. I diverted my gaze to the sudden movement without turning my head. Clutching onto his black dress shirt, the person sat on the wet floor like he was in pain, mentally not physically. Drops of water dripped off his hair. I couldn't get a good look at his face because his bangs covered part of his right eye.

Nae moriga nomuna nappaso
no hanabakke nan morugo
darun saramun bogoitnun non
iron naemaumdo morugetji

Looking at her vibrating pocket, she stopped sobbing. I wonder how a phone could survive after she ran in the rain like that. She took out the wet phone from her drenched pocket and looked at the caller ID. Her face immediately reflected how hurt she was. She took a deep breath and her grip over the phone tightened until her arm started shaking.

noui dwaetmosubul
ponungotdo nan haengbokiya
ajik naui maumeul mollado
kkutnae suchidushi gado

"Please answer it for me and play along. Please..." she held out the phone and looked pleadingly at me. I nodded and took the phone from her.

(jane's note: sentences in green = Eunmi's best friend (Taehee) \\ normal sentences = Sangmin)

"Eunmi... I'm really sorry..."

The voice on the other line was the hurt voice of a female. I'm guessing she's the best friend Eunmi was talking about. I looked over at Eunmi and she nodded for me to answer.

"Eunmi's kind of busy now, do you want to leave a message?"

I heard a small gasp on the other line when she heard my unfamiliar male voice answer her but the gasp was quickly covered up by a fake sneeze. There was a faint male voice in the background asking her what was wrong in a very eager voice.

"Um... who are you? What's Eunmi doing with you?"

"That's none of your business. Do you want to leave a message or not? I don't have all day."

For some reason, I was getting pissed at the girl. What gave her the rights to ask me who I was after what she did to her best friend? What made her think she could question me like that? Who Eunmi was with and what she was doing wasn't any of her business anymore.

"Oh... okay... can you please tell her that I, Taehee said sorry and really want to talk to her as soon as possible?"

"Oppa ah~ are you done yet? You're such a slowpoke." Eunmi called out in a sweet voice and giggled then she continued looking at the raindrops hit the transparent roof of the bus stop.

I hung up after I heard a loud gasp coming from the other side of the line. I saved my number into her cellphone and called myself to get her number then I handed the cellphone back to her. She smiled a sad smile at me after she took it back.

"Thanks. Now Taehee probably thinks I'm with another guy. I'm sure she'll tell Jaehwa about it. Let's see what that bitc* and b*stard does about it." sighing, she stood up.

"Call me whenever you're feeling down okay? Good luck in everything." I smiled and put an arm on her shoulder, she nodded and walked away.

Now, let's see who the guy in the alley is. Walking as quietly as possible, I approached the guy sitting on the alley floor with his face in his palm. He was completely soaked in water but that didn't seem to matter to him. Whatever he had on his mind was troubling him immensely, he didn't even seem to notice me.

Something that suddenly shone caught my attention. Looking for the source of light, I quickly found out that the shine came from the ring he wore on his pinky. That silver ring... it was the exact same ring she was wearing just now... I knew who he was already.

"Hi... Jaehwa sunbae." hearing his name, he slowly removed the palm from his face and looked up.

"What do you want?" he spat out coldly and glared at me.

"I want to know why you're hurting your beloved Eunmi."

"...It was for her own good..."


chapter 1 done.
so, Jaehwa or Sangmin? :3
happy ending or sad ending or something in between?
i know it's too long, i like long chapters so yeah.
read or not, i dont really care. haha.
maybe i'll post this on soompi.
i shall continue chapter 2 next time.
um, any spelling or grammar mistakes?
please do voice out. thanks :D
i shall consider writing what type of ending you guys want :p
(and yes, this is my plan to make all silent readers come out. MUAHAHA)

Sunday, August 9, 2009,6:29 AM
my computer is finally fixed. --
but im not really happy about it.
the keyboard's messed up for some reason
and it's already quite late so we'll leave the fixing of the keyboard to tomorrow.

as you guys know, im sick --
yeah. had a fever and sore throat.
the fever already died down.
but unfortunately, the sore throat still remains.
thanks to all those who CARED about me. :)

some people are such HYPOCRITES.
fyi. plastic container hurt.
you kids out there, just because your parents refuse to let you buy something or what ever small shit, then you think they're kns or what, suck it up, like seriously.
they dont hit you then good liao lo --

i would LOVE to blog more.
but im very tulan right now.
knn. --

sentence of the day:
non because im too tulan to think of anything right now.

Sunday, August 2, 2009,1:15 AM
so and so
he said he'd love me forever, but forever didn't last.
it didn't take long to get over it and i picked the right choice to let it end.
he said he loves me for who i am, but he keeps telling me that i'm not good enough.
i got fed up but gave him a few more chances.
in the end, it still didn't work out so i ended it.
didn't take long to get over it too.
he said he'd always be there for me to make me happy, why?
because he said he loved me and he wanted to make me happy.
but after around 3 months, he complete crushed my soul.
tell me, why haven't i gotten over it?

here's a short story.

This is what True Love is all about:

It was a busy morning, approximately 8:30 a.m., when an elderly gentleman in his 80's, arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He stated that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him look at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, we began to engage in conversation. I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.

I then inquired as to her health. He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer' s Disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.

I was surprised, and asked him, "And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?" He smiled as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is." I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought, "That is the kind of love I want in my life."


updates updates.
im doing a crossover with singyee :)
cant wait to do my part.
it's a fusion between cartoonish and realisticish stuff.
shall post when we are done.
4 undecorated envelopes left.
1 for twinnie. 1 for ling. 1 for ej. 1 for myself. :)
the 5 others will be given away too.
man, i need more envelopes --

sentence(s) of the day; The truth is, you can rip my heart out, throw it to the ground, then I'd pick it up and dust it off...and give it back to you.
Never say goodbye if you still want to try. Never give up if you still want to go on. Never say you don't love a person if you can't let go.

credits: picture @ soompi stock thread & quotes @ soompi forums
story: funlock

Saturday, August 1, 2009,9:39 AM
day after day

another pathetic day has finally passed.
it's almost 1 am now and by the time i'm done with this post, it'd probably be 1 am already.
time for yet another barely sleep-able night just to wake up to another pathetic day.
an endless cycle is the only way for me to describe this. --
tell me, why do you have to haunt me?
every time i see that teddy bear on my desk, tears threatened to spill.
i have no idea why i still keep in on my desk.
i used to smile every time i see it but now, it's the opposite.
every time i see that keychain hanging from my phone pouch, i think back about the times we used to share.
i tried to get rid of it but i didn't have the heart to do it.
when i was about to let go of it and let it fall, my heart shouted for me to stop and i became stiff.
now, that keychain hangs proudly on my phone pouch instead of my pencil case.
what a stupid idea that was.

i'm counting as the days pass by.
day by day...
how many days has it been already?
why haven't i let go?
in my heart, i carry a silly wish.
a wish that will probably never even come true...
why am i still waiting for you even when i know i'll never have you back?
why did i still have to have so much hope?
please, just cover this ray of light from reaching my heart.
i hate having hope for you... it hurts too much.
is it weird that i care much more about your future than you, yourself, do?
it is, after all, YOUR future and not mine.
why do i worry about you when you obviously don't even care about me anymore?
despite all that, i'm still going to worry.
i promised someone that i'd fix you.
and ever since then, it became one of my aims not because i promised but because i care.

being cold to me also wont make me let go.
i'm probably stupid.
that's the reason why.
when you're cold to me, instead of leaving you alone, i have the urge to talk to you more despite knowing that all i'll receive is just another stab in the heart and another painful blow in my ego.
speaking of my ego, it completely deflated because of you.
i dont know what to tell your friends too.
why am i acting like everything is okay when it's not?
all those forced smiles and laugh, i felt so fake.
why am i putting up to this because of you?
the you who isn't suppose to mean anything to me anymore.
the you who is attempting to escape from my life.
the you i desperately need.
why did you build up all my happiness just to crush it?
you told me that you'd always make me happy, so why aren't you?
i dont care... please come back...

sentence of the day;
There's always going to be that one person that no matter what he does, what he says, or how many times he hurted you, you just can`t let him go because he means that much to you...

credit: soompi for picture & quote

fanfic reviews
i admit, I have been reading when I was supposed to be studying for 1st trial ]:
lol. cant blame me, the fanfics were too awesome to ignore. xD

recommended fanfictions to read on SOOMPI forums.
all of the ratings given are according to my own personal account so by all means they might not be accurate or whatsoever. you’ll have to read it yourself to find out! :D

title: Untitled
subheading: Queen of the Revolution
progress: completed. ONE-SHOT
genre: politics, romance, angst, violence (yes, no comedy at all)
jane’s rating: 9/10
jane’s review:
What actually attracted me was the fact that the one-shot was titled “Untitled”. I didn’t understand why it was titled so at first, but after I finished reading, I finally understood. There was absolutely no suitable title for that one-shot that could reflect and relate to the one-shot itself. It was amazing. I felt as if the time taken to read it was well spent and by all costs, not wasted. The writer had such a wide range of vocabulary that a lot of soompi fanfic readers could not be able to comprehend. (trust me, some readers are only into the fanfics with simple words. haha) After I finished reading, I was gawking at the screen, wondering how the hell I understood all that. (i admit, there are a few parts i didnt quite get cause i didnt take the time to try and develop it in my head xD) I loved how butterbean described the scenes and the conversations with such detail. It was such a well thought through one-shot and I’m so happy that I clicked on it. Oh, for those who are wonder why 1 point is gone, it’s because I don’t like reading gasoo-related stories. haha! But if you do and if you like Big Bang (especially TOP), you’ll probably give it a ten out of ten! (OMG! 2PM~ HAHA!) All and all, it was a freaking amazing read. I’m gonna get butterbean’s other stories in .doc format. I’ll have to PM her. LOL.


title: Always, without a change (onsaemiro)
progress: in progress. TRANSLATED FIC
genre: comedy, a little bit of violence, shoujo (obviously contains romance. lol)
jane’s rating: 7.5/10
jane’s review:
It’s korean! What more can I say? I’m a sucker for korean stories. Best of all, NON-GASOO! As you can see from the progress, it isn’t complete yet but I still feel like reviewing it. haha. The story is quite light-hearted and so so so cute. One problem though, is that it is a little too cliché. I mean, how the hell can you just randomly meet a guy with half of your custom made couple necklace at the cinema then again the next day on a bus (THAT YOU BOARDED WRONGLY)? Then, how can he just happen to show up at your house because he was your housemate’s boyfriend’s friend? And and, worst of all, YOU DON’T EVEN FREAKING REMEMBER HIM FROM BEFORE WHEN YOU OBVIOUSLY SHOULD! I blame it all on Hawool since he’s making it so obvious that he’s hiding something he knows about the past from Miro and HG. (cause i cant spell his name right -.-) Then there’s YeoJoon, he’s such an arse. He’s forcing Miro to love him when she doesn’t. My guess about the scar and that painful memory that Miro keeps talking about is that YeoJoon tried to kill himself, which amazed me cause YeoJoon seemed so tough. – Anyways, if you take away all the cliché moments, this fanfic is great! HG is just so cute. :D


title: Memoirs of a teenage psychopath
progress: completed. Around 30 chapters.
genre: angst, drama, romance, and more
jane’s rating: 8/10
jane’s review:

I can safely say that this story is amazing. Although it’s gasoo related, I still loved it to the max. The writer had such a captivating way of describing the scenes. I could picture all the scenes in my head and it felt like I was watching a movie. I like how the story isn’t very predictable. Normally, when you read stories, you’ll know that the female lead and the male lead end up together since the start but in this story you’ll doubt that. I also like how the writer made Im YehSol’s (female lead) life so tragic and mysterious. I don’t think I can pick out something I don’t like from this story except the fact that its gasoo related (but I love dbsk so yeah xD). The plot flows so smoothly and everything is so well written. I’m currently reading its sequel “Cloistering Marionette” and let me tell you that the quality of the story still remains and I’m glad of that! <3 And, new characters were introduced in the sequel! READ IT!


that's all for reviews! :D

Monday, July 27, 2009,2:35 AM
boom boom bang!

my reading section has been cut short.
and now, my 1 month worth of stuff to read will have to be finished in 3 days! T__T
cause im going back to tuition for full subjects!
poo man! no freedom anymore!
what has the world become?! T__T

anyways, here's something i found on soompi! xD
and yes, im advertising soompi!

BOY : May I hold your hand?
GIRL : No thanks, it isn't heavy.

GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me!
BOY : You love me...

GIRL : If we become engaged will you give me a ring??
BOY : Sure, what's your phone number??

GIRL : I think the poorest people are the happiest.
BOY : Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple

GIRL : Darling, I want to dance like this forever.
BOY : Don't you ever want to improve??

BOY : I love you and I could die for you!
GIRL : How soon??

BOY : I would go to the end of the world for you!
GIRL : Yes, but would you stay there??

SHARON : Have you ever had a hot passionate, burning kiss??
TRACY : I did once. He'd forgotten to take the cigarette out of his mouth.

MAN : You remind me of the sea.
WOMAN : Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
MAN : NO, because you make me sick.

WIFE : You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other.
HUSBAND : You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.

MARY : John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly.What do u think,
PETER : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.

1) Girlfriend : '...And are you sure you love me and no one else ?'
Boyfriend : 'Dead Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday'.

2) Teacher : 'Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon?'
Pupil : 'The moon'.
Teacher : 'Why?'
Pupil : 'The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it'.

3) Teacher : 'What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?'
Pupil : 'A teacher'.

4) Waiter : 'Would you like your coffee black?'
Customer : 'What other colors do you have?'

5) My father is so old that when he was in school, history was called current affairs.

6) Teacher : 'Sam, you talk a lot !'
Sam : 'It's a family tradition'.
Teacher : 'What do you mean?'
Sam : 'Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher'.
Teacher : 'What about your mother?'
Sam : 'She's a woman'.

7) Tom : 'How should I convey the news to my father that I've failed?'
David: 'You just send a telegram: Result declared, past year's performance repeated'.

8) Teacher : 'Now, children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him, what virtue would I be showing?'
Student : 'Brotherly love'.

9) Teacher : 'Now, Sam, tell me frankly do you say prayers before eating?'
Sam : 'No sir, I don't have to, my mom is a good cook'.

10) Patient : 'What are the chances of my recovering doctor?'
Doctor : 'One hundred percent. Medical records show that nine out of ten people die of the disease you have. Yours is the tenth case I've treated. The others all died'.

11) Teacher : ' Can anybody give an example of COINCIDENCE?'
One Student : 'Sir, my Mother and Father got married on the same day and at the same time.'

12) Teacher : ' George Washington not only chopped down his father's Cherry tree, but also admitted doing it.
Now do you know why his father didn't punish him ?'
One Student: ' Because George still had the axe in is hand.'

above credits to Shia @ soompi forums

rofl! i love the last one and the sea one xD
i just noticed that i havent been stock hunting lately o_o
cant blame me. too busy reading.

i finished Memoirs Of A Teenage Psychopath yesterday and now im reading Cloistering Marionette. haha.
finished in 2 days while studying :p
i admit, i slacked off with my studying xD

i might do a fanfic review for the next post! yay!
maybe you'll be interested in reading the stories after my review :p
just ask me for the story link if you're interested.
but you have to sign up for soompi first.
i MIGHT borrow my account hahaha.

danbo picture: cake@june @ soompi forums & owner @ flickr

sentence of the day;
love is a nonsensical thing that only leaves scars.

my world ★
i own this wonderland

Believe in the power of Karma. Whatever you do shall be repaid, be it good or bad. Oh, and this is my blog, so I obviously don’t give a damn about what you think.

Web Counter
Web Counter
since 6th July 2008

♣ jane, sora, wasabii or milk
♣ 12.o1
♣ likes to photoshop
♣ studying in CHMS
♣ obsessed with touching hair
♣ loves chocolate way too much
♣ listens to korean music
♣ is random, weird and crazy
♣ is nice but mean in some ways
♣ does not like to be teased
♣ likes reading fanfics & manga
♣ a lousy writer
♣ i hate DOTA with passion

my life ★
what i read & want
orange planet. cherry juice. love luck. beauty is the beast AAA. chocolate cosmos. special a. vampire knight. love berrish. ouran high school host club. koukou debut. charisma doll. maid sama!. Saboten No Himitsu
WANTOHG. he was cool. high school royalty Syndrome. TLH. love sucks. OHTDE. Suicide Note. TIWOSCM. yu tian. death glare (lots more but cant think of any right now)

♠ a happy life
♠ his love and undivided attention
♠ improve my drawing
♠ more plushies (i bet this will never be crossed off)
♠ study hard
♠ beat LSC (never gonna happen) beat him in english, content :p
♠ everything to be normal again
♠ change my attitude
♠ more drawing tools
♠ stable emotions
♠ cuff earrings
♠ second piercing (left)
♠ a nice drawing just for me hehe, thanks xt :D
♠ more clothes
♠ learn hacking
♠ find cappu
get "lone wolf" \\ then fugin :D
♠ get "dark lord"

my rules ★
your stuff ★
you chat here!
  • leave a tag and i'll reply you when i see it. be nice or die.

  • stay out ★
    my amazing friends

  • Aileen ★
  • Cheeng laopo ★
  • Chiaw Yuen ★
  • Ching ★
  • Chok ★
  • Coffeehime ★
  • Dalton ★
  • Dita ★
  • Donna ★
  • Emilie ★
  • Evangelione Handmade★
  • Fiqah ★
  • Gerald ★
  • Harris ★
  • Jannet ★
  • Jo ★
  • Kaylee ★
  • Kwang ★
  • Liza ★
  • Liz's shared blog ★
  • Macey ★
  • Meghan ★
  • Michelle ★
  • Panda Wen ★
  • Qinyi ★
  • Rhenne ★
  • Singyee (Kawaii~Neh!) ★
  • Siszy ★
  • Shelly ★
  • Xiaxue ★
  • Veena ★
  • YiengSie ★
  • Zi Ying ★
  • Zimah ★
  • ZhiNing ★
  • Yutian ★
  • Cuppy Cake Fashion ★
  • Kewfashion ★

    Originallyby: Reina &coramdeo || Resources; soompi,dafont&deviantart || Editedby; jane.txy